Not dead



It's been a long time and subbies must be getting angry with me...

I'm sorry guys! T_T

I had exams and then research papers and a lot of stress on top of that, so I couldn't really focus on updating. 

Not to mention that all the writing I could do was PURE PAIN

And since you ask, YES, this pure pain might be able to make a mini fic. 

And MAYBE I will post this mini fic of pure pain some time. 

If you guys are up for it. (Are you?)




Also, I feel like putting a photo of moi. 

I don't usually post my face on social media (we don't want to scare those subbies away, do we now?) but I've made a lot of friends here and I wanted to make this more personal. Plus I took an actually decent photo of myself.

So what do you say? I will post a photo, if you do the same.

Let's get to know each other better! :D 



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Pure pain? I'm not sure what to say to that, but sure why not. I'm up for it. Lol.

And it would be nice to see a pic of you, although you will probably never see one of me...maybe, it depends haha. I'm one of those paranoid people who don't like to show my face on social media.
i would know ur photo of course.. dont worry, every person in this earth is beautiful..
but, in my case i'm not good in taking picture of myself.. let my boyfriend aka sehun be my representative LOL XD
I would love to see a photo of you, maybe you'll see one of me a time? Maybe~
Oh! I want to see a photo of you! But you will never see one of me I am REALLY ugly...