Urban Dictionary Always Manages To Make Things Awkward...

So I was talking to a girl on this roleplay and she sent me something OOC saying: "SLR doing my projects"

I had no idea what SLR meant so I looked it up on urban dictionary.... It came up with this:

A Stuckup Lesbian Roleplayer. 
If you are familiar with the term mangina, it is not exactly that. A mangina and an SLR are both males who play female characters in online video games, but an SLR is an extreme version. 

SLR's basically pretend to be females, but that they are lesbians. An easy excuse for talking like a guy, or having cyber with other SLR's that they truly believe to be girls. These men are usually 30-40 years old, balding and not going anywhere in life. Period.

I got REALLY freaked out for a moment and I thought she was a middle aged man.... And then I realised that she meant "Sorry Late Reply" ....I laughed SO hard XD Oh god I'm still laughing now!!


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Nich111 #1
I just...wouldn't always believe the stuff on that site. It's like wikipedia. Truthful in some cases but definitely not always. People can just go in there and add and change whatever they like X)))