High School scrap

So, my friend told me that this guy thought I was pretty. He added me on facebook. So we started to chat. The he started to like me. He is REALLY sweet and everything. But i'm just not ready to date anyone right now. He confess to me that he liked me. But I changed the subject cuz at that moment I wasnt sure if I liked him. So I didnt tell him nothing that way he won't be confused. So I thought about over night and I relized i'm not into him. This is what I put in the chat:


"Im going to be stright up. But I dont like you. Your the most sweet guy I ever meet. But I just wanna be friends with you. Im really sorry, i'm the type of girls that are just stright up and tell the truth even if it hurts." 


So I just wanna know if I did the right thing. What do you guys think???


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right decision. its better to be honest and straight up rather than let him think he has a chance.
I think you definately did the right thing! It's better to tell him to truth :)
better to say it outright :) trailing him along would be more painful in the long run ><
Are you only talking to him on Facebook?
It's best to let them down easy.
It's good that you aren't leading him on, but don't you think you should give the guy a chance? I mean, the same thing happened to me where a guy liked me and I wasn't sure if I liked him. Then we started talking more and I realized that he was the best thing for me, and now we've been together for almost 3 months :)
If you're not ready, then you're not ready. But if you think that something could possibly happen with him in the future, then maybe you should add "I don't have any feelings for you at the moment, but I hope we can continue to be friends and maybe we might be able to have something in the future."
However, if you're not into him at all the just disregard this :p Good luck!! :)
I think you did the right thing. Lying to him and saying that you like him and then changing your mind later is like playing with his feelings...
I think you did it right.. it would be cruel to take him chained to you if you are not even a little interested in something romantic with him..

sometimes even if hurts the truth is better.. ^^