
Hello X(


Not pleased today.

Not pleased at all. Crappy day at work. My hair is pink. And I have to review. A lot. Bf is all moody and internet is crappy. 

Plus imma drool on my compy in a short while. -_-;

Got a few things to talk about.

1. Exo-K/M.

I like them, even have a few stories for them

But some people...

some people O.V.E.R. like them. Kris was just on a plane and people where FIGHTING over a seat for him. They delayed the fight for it. 

Seriously? They have such much just tumbler videos. Of them doing NOTHING. Walking, eatting, being tired as hell from people following them.

Yes, I would be so excited to see any kpop star, but no, I would NOT stalk them. I would barely go up and ask them to sign anything. 

Kris (again) Had tumblr gifs of him rubbing his eyes (AWWWZZZZ LOOKIT HE SO TIREDDDD! LULZ <3 <3 <3) Well maybe he wouldn't be so freaking tired if he could sleep on the damn plane like most people do. Instead of being followed. 

But no, people think since he's an entertainer he had to know about this, or his life is no longer private. 

People need to have their own secrets Idiots.

2. Reviews

Why people....Why you no write well? 

Does brain turn off when you are confronted with sentence structure? Like the fainting goat? 


3. My hair

My hair is ing pink.

That is all. 


4. Videos

I haven't gotten to any yet, they still need some work.


That is all.



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Awh how did your hair get pink? XD
D: mer... Today is not a good day for most of us... And lol... WRITERS WHY YOU NO GRAMMAR?