Middle School Poetry

I wrote this stuff when I was 12, and I thought I was the shiz (still do). I think they're pretty good, but then again, I'm supposed to - it's my own. So, let me know what you think and tell me what's your favorite.






Haiku No. 1 - Music


The beat is so loud,

And the music flow through me.

Then I start to dance.




Haiku No. 2 - Movies In The Beginning


The bright pictures move,

The film reel clicks in rhythm,

Making people smile.




Haiku No. 3 - Evolution


It happened slowly,

Throughout millions of years,

To where we are now.




Haiku No. 4 - A Homeless Violinist


He plays for money

On his tattered violin

On the lonely street.




Cinquain - Eyes



Unique, Penetrating

See, Watching, Judging

Windows of the Soul





Limerick No. 1 - On The Dock


One day I sat at the dock,

In my new baby blue frock.

A fish jumped out,

And started thrashing about,

Which gave me a really big shock.




Limerick No. 2 - School


I sit in class and wonder why,

We waste our time learning Pi.

It's obvious me peers can't learn a thing,

That their lightbulbs don't go off with a ding.

Or, I suppose they're just shy.




Free Verse No. 1 - He Is Dead


He is dead.

Nothing matters.

My life is done.

We shall mourn

He is dead!

Cry with me,

Pity me,

Feel my pain!

For, he is dead.

And he will never come back.






Free Verse No. 2 - Loves Me, Loves Me Not


Does he love me, or not?

Will I ever be sure?

I love him, that I know.

But does he feel the same?

Can the flower decide our fate,

Or is it just a hoax?

I'll give it a try; I've got nothing to lose.

I'll pick off the petals

One by one, chanting:

He loves me, he loves me not.




Rhyme Scheme (aa bb cc dd) No. 1 - Out The Window


Looking out the window,I

wonder if I'm in limbo.

I feel as if I'm suspended in space,

As if something wiped out the human race.

So high I fly,

Just me in the sky.

Suddenly, the teacher calls for my attention

and I'm given detention.




Rhyme Scheme (ab ab cd cd ee) No. 2 - In The Jungle


I run in the jungle,

Pursued by a bloodthirsty beast.

I curse and I fumble,

And I try not to become a feast.

I scale a nearby tree,

In hopes that the creature cannot climb.

I thought that I was free,

But it leaps, and I'm out of time.

I'm about to die,

With no time for "goodbye".




So there you go. I hope you think that my poetry (and I) is awesome. Please comment what you think and  - again - what was your favorite?


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