MC vs Spartace - come on and share your thoughts XD


this is really simple... rant or rave, what do you think? and excuse me my dear MC friends.... I am delusional right now. I think MC is cute and all but let the spartace fans have some fun neh? haha

I was learning something for my presentation and I practised it with spartace pics. please don't kill me okay? and don't repost chebal I don't want to get killed but for me I think I should share this or something, I'll take it down though if you hate it... (I only read 3 tutorials for this so I am a noob please excuse the roughness of the edit)


I can't really decide which is better edited because I think they both lol so just use your imaginations to make them better haha





I didn't edit MC since I am too lazy and my sis is wandering around behind me so I keep on hiding the pics lol, why am I so embarassed? haha next time I will really study editing and photo manipulation... it is a very interesting hobby lol

and uh no bashing kay? I love all of them so no fanwars (-:

pics aren't mine but I wedited the first one - credits to isub person for the screen shot






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hmm... I prefer the second pic ^^