reminiscent of my all time favourite musician/singers... [kpop/non kpop]

I don't know why but tonight I'm going a bit retro to where I was back in 2000 where I was exposed to very little KPOP and most of it are 'C-POP'... 




Chinese pop. hehehe...


who's my favourite at that time?



here's a chinese genius (for me) that are in equal level as GD.






hahaha... why I like him? 


he can go ballad, rock, traditional and even hiphop style singing. I just love to hear his music more and more. 

Well, like GD he too starts at a young age when he is involved in music. and now, he even acts and direct movies of his own. 

I recommend to you to watch SECRET, and kungfu dunk! There's another movie that he acted before he acts in the green hornet. I don't remember what's the title anymore. TT^TT He acted as the second son who try to snatch away the crown prince title from his older brother because of her mother's request. It's golden something... oh! 

I'll let you hear some of his songs.

Jay Chou - Chrysanthemum Terrace

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Jay Chou - Chou Chevalier

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Jay Chou - Hair Like Snow

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(My favourite:)

Jay Chou - Orange Jessamine (radio)

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his new song:




look at him go!



sometimes I found his MVs are so damn funny! eventhough I don't really understand chinese so well cause I'm not a chinese and don't talk chinese either. watch these:





there's this otaku MV, uncle jokers and a self recorded video(if I'm not mistaken). the video is really comical that I couldn't stop laughing while watching it. hehehe... 


i'm going to watch his new MV now. I missed out on his action lately. XP




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MYRAsaurus #1
i like jay chou too~~~
it's soo funny, i just watched Kunfu Dunk on my natiol tv kkkkk xDDDD