Depressed... M-Countdown 130313

Our boys dropped to third place in mcountdown yesterday and i can't help feeling sad bout it. I know i should feel happy for 2am since they manage to get into top 2 after their comeback but i honestly prefer teen top winning. I know I'm bad but their my ultimate bias what can i do? I feel like crying for them when i saw the third place its just too sad. I always hope that they might just win SHINee once and get a no.1 for their no.1 album but it seems that things doesn't go according to my wish. I like 2AM but i love teen top and I'm touched when i heard all the fan chants and cheering. Its really sweet of them but i hope we all can help by voting for them and stuff! Teen top fighting! Angels fighting! ^^


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I feel you. I feel the same so much omg. D: