I need your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had this weird dream last night...

it had VIXX's Leo in it

and peanuts...

it's hard to explain....


now I sound crazy

\(-_-)/ perfect

anyways help me vote for the new fic I'm planning :D

it wont be out for a while but I need to get names and number of people down

I wont start writing this until I finish one of my other fics

I think the fic I'll be done the fastest it maybe

What my heart tells me to do

or Starlight

*le sad face*

anyway help me pick a male group that will be in the same fic as Lina

(Don't know who Lina is? See my last blog post~)



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You should do vixx cuz in on and on their eyes were funky colors too! It would only make sense.....