Rant -o- (sorry, you dont have to click if you dont want to~)

I dont really know how to start this but.. Dose anyone else feel like their mom can be the biggest in the world out of nowhere?

I mean. I love my mom and all but everytime she gets mad at someone she takes it out on me. Like, shes not violent but she is verbal.

For example: Today. My brother didnt help her with anything cause we're moving and I got home from school really happy cause it was a good day. So I said hi and she just ignored me and kept cleaning so I was just like "whatever ok." and as the day went on she kept ignoring me nd ignoring me and I got so pissed off I felt like crying. So I did. After she left to go pick up my sister my dad came in and asked if I was okay. All of the sudden I bursted out crying because when my mom was ignoring me I thought she was mad at me for whatever reason. Then he told me that my brother got her pissed off and I was like wow okay. She ignored me most of the day and she didnt even ignore my sister. Like okay best mother of the year award goes to her -o-

So after a while I went outside with my sister and we wepe playing volleyball and stuff and I heard my dad tell my mom about how I was crying but I didnt hear her response. So during the whole day I acted like myself because I cant express my feelings very well so I just push it back. And since then I havent talked to her. Like I told my dad, she dosent talk to me but when she dose shes either yelling at me or telling me to go do something for her. I dont even know what I'm doing wrong I just feel like she hates me ._.

I really dont know what to do at this point. Advise? .-.


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