i feel like being 'key'

im really bored so i think im gonna post a blod dedicated to my complaints :)

well the weather is quite cold and ty today considering its already the midst of spring. and if summer this year turns out to be wet and disgusting like last year im gonna be so mad.

on top of this bad weather, pretty much stuck in my room 24/7 'studying' cause if im doing something besides that my father will start complaining. and i swear his nagging is so much worser than keys.
im really over studying and i feel like ive gotten more stupid since the start of the year, its either that or cause everything just gets harder and more complicated once you start growing up :(

talking about growing up, guess what? my exam results are released on my birthday,, woo probably gonna be disappointed on my 18th.. so now im contemplating as to whether i should check my results after my birthday.

and so im 'trying' to study, but all i can hear is the tv commentators babbling on about the footy grand final (yeah australian football, the sport that not many people understand) and my two brothers shouting at the tv as well. oh goodness gonna be a long afternoon.

next week, i have to give up my second week of holidays to GO TO SCHOOL, thats right go to school and sit practice exams before i have two more weeks until the actual thing, and im ting myself now. cause i realise how dumb i am, and i think im gonna fail :( and thatll just lead to my father nagging me non stop about how i NEVER study. pshh thats an exaggeration.

well i could go on about all these things im not happy about, but i wouldnt want to bore you guys.. then again whoever thats read up to this far, you are amazing  for putting up with my complaining :)


well have a lovely day. and i hope i can go through 4 more weeks and not break down at the very last minute


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