40 facts about me tag

1. My Full name is Isabella Anastasia Baskerville.

2. I'm half Russian so i can speak fluent Russian, Здравствуйте, вы любите KPOP which means hello do you like kpop.

3. I am completely scared of spiders, i don't even scream like a girl when i see them i let out this manlish squeal. 

4. My height is exactly 5 foot 1 lol i am fairly small 

5. Words that make me cringe are moist, flaps, smooching, lumps, special sauce and Diarrhea 

6. I love to write 

7. I absouloutly love Kim Jaejoong -sigh- why must he be so perfect.

8. I can eat alot for someone my size and this suprised alot of my guy friends at first because their just like O_O but now their just used to it :D

9. I hang out with alot of guys because after my mum passed away, it was just me my dad and my brother and when he was away we would always go and stay with my granfather.

10. I used to do Ballet up until i was 16 but then i injuried my leg and i just stopped because even after the operation and physiotherpy i felt really broken.

11. My favourite memory of being a kid was when i had my two bestfriends over Sharon and Alice and my mum was cooking pancakes and she was bragging about how she could flip them really high and then she went to show us and the pancake got stuck to the roof, we then had to call my dad because none of us could get it off the roof.

12. When my dad would come home from the trips he had to go on for work i remember stalking him around the house because i was scared he was going to leave me again. 

13. Me and my brother would always wake up at exactly 6am to watch pokemon in the spare room.

14. My favourite pokemon is probably going to have to be Charmander because hes just so adorable.

15. My least favourite pokemon is dugtrio, i don't know why but it just scared the hell out of me

16. I have to Samoyeds One is named Bandi and i got him for my 16th birthday and i got my second one in december last year whom i named Max, named after Changmin i originally wanted to name him Hero but alas he preferred Max more.

17. My dogs are probably my best friends because their, there for me when I'm sad, happy they sit on my bed and watch movies with me and i can tell them anything. 

18. I can't swim

19. I am always, always make the mistake of watching horror movies when i'm home alone at night,

20. I don't own a pair of socks, i always wear odd socks because i can never find the other one.

21. I can't go a day without drinking atleast two full glasses of coke, i know its really unhealthy but i just cant go through the day without a glass or can of coke.

22. Me and my friends have invented this night were atleast once a week we all gather at someones houses and play monopoly, we aren't the type to get to frustrated with it, we always enjoy it and I've never lost a friend from playing monoply.

23.When i play call of duty with my friends, i am very competitve 

24. My favourite actor is Lee Minho

25. In the game final fantasy 7 i hated one of the character  aerith gainsborough, she just really annoyed me ><

26. I cannot stand people who try and cram about a thousand things into one character 

27. I used to be a cosplayer and i still sort of am into it but nowdays when i go to anime conventions i'll just wear a wig and go dressed causally. 

28. I have a swearing problem.

29. Both me and my brother have matching tattoos on our left wrist, a shield next to a bell because in transtlation my brothers name is Alexi which means warrior, defender so he is the shield and i am the bell and yes i was 16 when i got it done and my brother had signed the bit of paper which made my dad rather unhappy.

30. My first boyfriend i had when i was 15 and he cried when i broke up with him, because after going out for three weeks or four weeks i don't remember i said i was too young and i wanted to concentrate on Ballet. 

31. I am always scared of dissapointing my dad, because alot of people i know compare me to my mum and i don't know if he does it but it makes me think i need to do more than i should. 

32. I am terrible at giving directions or taking them I'm like a man, i don't need a map and when i do get lost, well its not called being lost its called being on an adventure. 

33. I have alot of freakles and it sometimes makes me insecure of my skin

34. I love Tim Burton movies and Hayao Miyazaki

35. I love, love, love, love Maccarons and i love eating them.

36. My favourite TV show at the moment is Game of thrones and i am a little behind considering i started watching it about a week ago.

37. My favourite game series is Kingdom hearts.

38. When i got my first dog, there was a guy at school who was bothering me and i took Bandi for a walk and he came up and started to harass me so my do actually bit him in the leg. 

39. This year i have won two writing contests so i haven't had to get a job, yet.

40. When harry potter first came out, i was convinved i was going to get a letter to hogwarts.


And there it is i was suprised i managed to find 40 things about me lol whoever reads this i tag you :P 


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