What the hell Stardom?

Right now, my feelings are really confused. I kind a want to hate Stardom. BUT it seems like I kind a, actually, really can’t. And it is killing me! Until they sad that Evol is coming back everything was alright.

I was against Stardom because all that they did to Block B.

What did they do? They sad someone was controlling Block B, pulling the strings from a little dark corner. At first I didn’t believe. Thought: “WTF? Do they think we are stupid?” but then when I come to think of it… Why not? I mean look at Block B! Every BBC knows they are really talented. So way wouldn’t someone want to steal a golden mine like that?

I told myself: “NO! I am waiting for the lawsuit to finish!” You know maybe someone will decide to tell us the truth for a change. I decided to not take sides and to silently support Block B in whatever they are doing now.

But then Kyung decided to make a mixtape. And that was awesome! I was really excited.

P.O made a mixtape, too. I love the songs that came out recently.

And what Zico did with D-unit- bloody brilliant! Seeing how D-unit are one of my few favorite girl groups. I was proud. Our boys don’t necessary need Stardom to be famous and actually, seeing how they practically have been taking care for themselves alone, they don’t need Stardom for anything!

Today came the question that was bugging me from the beginning.

What about Evol?

I have no idea what is Stardom trying to do but the teaser….


I don’t know. I just love it! My pride as a BBC is throwing bricks at me for that but I just love it. I am curious. That doesn’t seem like something made in the last minute like a desperate step.

I am confused about what to feel!

I love both Block B and Evol.


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