Diet Blogging?!~

I've been interested in dieting lately...

I'm currently a bit overweight in my opinion.

I'm 167cm/61kg... I've gotten really heavy. I used to be really skinny when I was younger.

My goal weight is around 50kg. My ultimate goal is really more like 46kg but 50 is good for now ^^

I'm a very hardworking student so I have no time to exercise (I'm studying because I want to get into an IVY league college, of course!), so I can only resort to dieting and calorie deficit diets.

I've decided to start with the Denmark Diet! If you don't know what it is: There it is!


Anyways, does anyone have feedback on this diet? Have you ever tried it before? Please let me know! I will try to update this blog every day with my progress. What I ate, how I feel, etc. will all be recorded in my blogs ^^

This is my first time doing a blog, so please be patient!~


My goal: I want a body like Afterschool's Nana! She is so beautiful and her body is like perfection! Although I may not be as tall as her, I hope to be almost as beautiful as her one day. 

I wish to lose 5kg by the end of April at least, and hopefully get to my goal weight by the end of the summer vacation!

I want to use this blog to not only upload my diet progress but also add in some nice recipes that I make, some tips, some exercises that are quick and easy, etc. 


Please look forward to this?~ ^_^


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