fake friends

taylor swift white horse photo: Taylor Swift Taylor_Swift_White_Horse_Still-1.jpg


sometimes i really don't know anymore,

with all the stress of today its best if i just let the words flow.

here i feel i can post without hate, or at least so i think...

the subject today is fake friends.

they are the brightest to you...


but the lesson that must be learned is it's just a flame.

you might really like someone, trust them as your best friend.

they might do something, like telling your crush since the first grade that you like him,

or maybe just abandon you altogether.

they might do things like unfriend you on facebook or twitter,

but they mean one thing:

it's over.


these fake friends are the ones that you must distance yourself from,

and now.

one morning you might wake up only to go to school and realize,

they now have no interest in you.

they used you.

you were never loved.

you may have had that illusion,

you weren't.

these words are the harsh truth,

but all they do is hurt you in the end.


two faced.


"she's just a ."

they will take the secrets you trusted and spread them.

before you realize it,

you're over.

even your best friends might desert you..

a few stay. the real ones.


the saddest thing about this,

is i've seen it so much.

only to me once.

though it might only happen a single time,

that's why i surrounded myself with walls.

i won't let you in.

the reason  isn't that i hate you,

or that i'm stuck up,

or even that i'm shy.


i just don't want to wake up and reallize:

i don't have any real friends.

they're all fake.



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Franci... Your not talking about me right? I didn't do any of that! Who are you talking about? I feel like it's me... Oh I hope to god it's not. I love you ok? I really ddo. Lilly told Abby that you said that you thought I dumped your phone but I swear I didn't! I'm sorry if I ever hurt you. You can talk to me about anything! I didn't tell Hayden you liked him and I didn't call you a sluuuut and I'm really your friend. Katalk me if your still up. Because god I care for you. Love, forever YOUR Unnie, Nita.