〔 social class 〕⋮ i'm ( go aerin )




MY NAME IS ( go aerin ).
STATUS : currently a seokjin student. 

USERNAME: lunaticmoon

FULL NAME: go aerin.

miss-know-it-all; by class/schoolmates from seokjin
professor go; by class/schoolmates from seokjin 

BIRTHDAY: february thirteenth, 1996. 
AGE: 17

BIRTHPLACE/HOMETOWN: nonsan. south korea.
ETHNICITY: full korean.

APPEARANCE: ryu hye ju
BACK UP: da in
VISUALS: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
STYLE: she is not very good in styling to start with.
casual - she likes to wear one piece dress most of the days. on colder weather, she wears thick sweater or hoodie and pants.
dorm - training suit. cotton tights and oversi
zed t-shirt. on warmer nights, shorts and colourful camisole. she always let her hair fall free in the dorm.
school uniform - she wears everything according to the rule book, but she likes to put on different hairclips everyday and put her hair up in ponytail or braids.

untouchable } aerin is grim and boring, prim and proper. she is always set on being the top student, even if she doesn't have to work so hard given the lower standard of academic achievement in seokjin. she always has her eyes on hyewa, and is personally trying to challenge herself to score better than the top student there. when she is transferred to hyewa, she quickly climbs the student ranking, but is always a couple of steps behind the top 3 students there. her manner of speech is always blunt and straight to the point. she has no trouble in telling a seokjin student that he would fail in life or a hyewa student not to look down on her. she rarely smiles.

why so serious aerin is not fond of having fun; noraebang, pranks, dating, stuffs that kids her age do. she also despises those kids who does. to her, academic achievement is everything, including changing your lives for the better. when kids in her class start to fool around, she would get very irritated. especially since many of seokjin students has problematic families and financial status, she hates them that most of them resort to rebel and fool around instead of study hard to change their life. she is also always the first to raise her hands whenever the teacher needs a volunteer to answer a question, and always get the answer right; rightfully earned her her nicknames.

sky high } aerin is very selfish and stuck up. she only thinks about her achievement and doesn't care about other people or making friends. she dreams of being the top student, gets into the top university and earns big in the future. she thinks she is more suited to hyewa because she is 'civilised', as she describes herself compared to other seokjin students. once admitted to hyewa, she isn't satisfied until she shows the students there that she is superior in terms of academic and class. she is also very competitive. whatever people say she couldn't do, she'd prove to them that she can.

softer } she really treasures her mother. she would do anything to make her mother proud of her. she wishes her mother doesn't have to work so hard. her mother is the only person she talks to gently, smiles to and shows care for. she also has soft spots for cats. she often feels lonely because she doesn't have friends, but she simply brushes the feelings away by studying.

chicken dishes
hair clips
herbal/ginseng drink
calla lily (her favorite flower)
starry night

tomatoes (eaten raw)
pop music
messy room
any type of jokes
pranks and surprises
ghosts and anythingrelated to it (more like badly scared of)

when people disturbs the teacher while he/she teaches
make up

sleeps in a rigid pose, straight like a log
prays before she eats or sleeps
turns stiff when she's scared (as in she couldn't even lift a finger)
balls her fists tight when she's badly irritated/angered
to measure people from head to toe
always hold back and take deep breathes when she's about to cry; she never cries in public

taking walks regardless the time

she has more dislikes than likes, as you can see in the lists.
she has less than ten contacts numbers in her phone and thus rarely uses the electronic device.
despite her gentle look, she has quite the temper.
once a bully victim in junior high school.
because she likes reading, she also carries around a flash light so she can read whenever.
very ticklish.
very strict with her diet, she don't eat junk food at all to keep her body healthy.
she keeps a special charm under her pillow to drive away bad spirits and ghosts.
though healthy, she has very low stamina, so she at sports a lot.
whenever she comes across a stray cat, she would have a brief conversation with them, like asking how was their day and stuffs.

aerin is raised in a lower-middle class family by her mother, shin minjoo. her father left the family when she was barely five, so she doesn't remember much about him and doesn't even care about it. her mother since then works 2-3 jobs per day to support her two daughters.

at 23, her sister, go yoorin married a rich guy, and ever since doesn't keep in contact with her family anymore because she doen't want to be troubled by their poor financial status. this makes aerin even more determined to be the top in everything she does to change the life standard of her family.

aerin starts to develop a cold personality as her defense mechanism so naturally, her school friends aren't fond of her. she was once a bully victim in junior middle school but she managed to cope through the experience and is even tougher to be approached now. aerin doesn't trust anyone anymore which is the main reason for her not having any friends; after her unpleasant personality. the kids at seokjin like to make fun of her sometimes, but they'd rather leave her alone because she is just too boring.

throughout her schooling in seokjin, she had taken up odd jobs sometimes to make her mom work less. once, desperate for money, she worked at a booking club. a customer tried to get her in bed, but she ran away and never wanted to work there anymore. other than that, she copes well with her family situation and doesn't give a damn about anything else other than her studies.
shin minjoo : 46 : gentle, hardworking, strong : mother
go yoorin : 26 : selfish, cold, arrogant : older sister
aerin has always hated seokjin, but she is in no condition to simply move to another school. seokjin is in walking distance, so if she changes school, she needs to pay public transport fare everyday which she couldn't afford. 

every few days, there will commotion at school. either a studnet smashed a teacher's car, or students fighting in the hallway. aerin can only closes her eyes and focuses on her goal. she is no doubt the best, non-problematic student in the school (3.8-4.0), but the kids hate her for her too-good-for-this-place attitude. she is always sitting alone.

she manages to keep herself from being a bully target by keeping herself under the radar and minding her own business, though she does has a few fights with some of the students.
she is esctatic to be in hyewa, though the best part about being transferred doesn't last long. she barely collects enough to buy the expensive school uniform, while her dorm fees are paid by her sister after much persuasion from her mother (which kills her inside because she hates her sister). 

she refuses to be associated with any of the seokjin students, but the hyewa students think she's the same with the rest of the bunch even after she proves herself to be capable academically. aerin initially thinks that her life is changing for the better in hyewa, but she is still a laughing stock in the prestigious school, being called a 'wannabe' and stuffs. now, she has more people hating her. 

aerin isn't fond with club activities because she would rather use the time to make money or study.
at first, she just watches from the sideline. however, aerin does holds onto that little pride of coming from a broken family, as most other seokjin students are. aerin is sick of hyewa students looking down at them and strives to prove them wrong, that they are just as bad. she tries to make the seokjin students study more or behave better, but it seems like her strategy to win the hyewa students isn't the most favoured by the seokjin students.

FRIENDS: min sunye : cheerful and motherly : she was a neighbor who acts more like an older sister to aerin. five years ago, she had to move with her family and lost contact with aerin ever since. 
FRIENDS : she likes people who are genuine and gentle, and hates others who behaves the same way as she does; stubborn, arrogant, cold. aerin also dislikes people who jokes around a lot.

LOVE INTEREST: nam woohyun;18 / kris wu;18
POSITION: hyewa student
compared to most hyewa students, he is laid back, playful, and chill. he couldn't care less about the social hierarchy even though his father is one of the biggest donor in the school; which leads to multiple misconducts stays unpunished. 

some of the common misconducts he does are improper school uniform like ed collar, untucked shirt and loose neck-ties, unless he has to go face to face with the principal or the more strict teachers at school. he also sleeps in class very often. his academic ranking is average (2.6-3.0). he is the class' mood-maker. though he gets along well with other students, they also secretly look down on him because of the way he acts so casually and carelessly in just about anything.
aerin needs privacy from the sneering looks of some of the hyewa students, so she retreats to the library and finds a table that is slightly hidden from the rest. however, woohyun is sleeping there. just as she is about to leave, woohyun wakes up and tells her that she can use the table. aerin takes her seat and starts studying though woohyun insists on having a conversation with her. he asks a lot about seokjin. he asks aerin about her age, and tells her to call him oppa, though the idea makes her feel like puking.
they don't know each other at first, and aerin certainly doesn't have much respect for him considering his laid-back attitude and improper uniform as a hyewa student. woohyun is very interested in her and likes to follow her around.
obviously, aerin and woohyun have very different views in life. aerin thinks she needs to work hard to find happiness, while woohyun is more of a live-in-the-moment kind of guy. aerin thinks woohyun is irresposible while woohyun thinks aerin needs to loosen up a bit.
later on, woohyun would show her that he is simply appreciating the little things in life that people often overlook.
seokjin students are being accused of causing serious injury to woohyun. aerin has to pick sides.
RIVALS: preferably a star student from hyewa who likes to look down on seokjin students. 


+aerin is frustrated that her ability is not recognized. when she scores well in a quiz/exam, some hyewa students accuse her of cheating. they also accuse her for a misconduct that other seokjin student did. woohyun sees the commotion and pulls aerin away to avoid unnecessary fights. he tries to calm her down but aerin retorts something offending to him, like 'you'll never know because you're  a loser anyways!'. woohyun is offended but he keeps his cool and offers her an earphone. it's his voice singing his own song. woohyun might seem laid-back, but he is actually very passionate in music and works hard at it. 

+aerin is having a study group with seokjin students, but none of them are co-operating. she ends up being left alone and upset, but woohyun tickles her to make her laugh.

+when aerin's friendship with other seokjin students tightened, there's an event happened. the exam papers are stolen from the office, and somehow aerin is blamed for it. a seokjin student stands up for her, saying aerin would never do such thing, and takes the blame instead. outside of school, seokjin students are having actual fight with the hyewa students who stole the papers. the fight turns violent, and aerin is in risk of danger. woohyun sees them by chance and saves aerin, but he gets stabbed instead; by a hyewa student.

aerin contemplates many times whether to give woohyun a visit at the hospital. when she does, he was already discharged. at the same time, the students involved in the fight are all pointing fingers to seokjin students. they even bribe aerin that she will be safe if she fabricates the truth and blame the other seokjin students. aerin refuses and tells the truth in her testimony to the police even though they have nothing to back their testimony, while the rich kids can easily bribe their innocence. 

later on, with woohyun's help, the issue is cleared up and seokjin students are proven innocent, though they still get punished for getting into fight. aerin on the other hand is just glad that she's not kicked out of the school. she confesses to woohyun that it's the first time she does something right, and it's scary to stand up for truth. she breaks down, but woohyun comforts her by telling her that she did a good job and he is proud of her. aerin thanks him for helping out, and he kisses her for a reply.

other random scenes}

+woohyun scares her with his ghost laughing/crying ringtone. he has a good laugh at her reaction.
+aerin and woohyun has an unintended date, and he buys her a hairclip.
+woohyun makes jokes, and aerin doesn't laugh at any of it.
+woohyun asks if he can join her study group, just to get closer to her.
+there's a meteor shower one night so woohyun appears at her dorm room's window, wearing a ghost mask, asking her to watch it with him at the school rooftop. she smiles for the first time in front of him while watching the meteor shower.

COMMENTS: the filled answer under SCENES got a bit long and a bit too heavy with drama >.< feel free to take out/add anything as you deem fit (if i ever get selected, that is). i had fun filling out the application form, hope you had fun reviewing it as well. SUFBB is awesome btw.







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