
So the first thing I want to talk about is SHINee's Dream Girl music video.  I love the song. But. The video...

that was extreme. 

really extreme.

and TAEMINS pants. 


then grgreen then yeyellow what is happening here what is sm doing and shrine jfnendkjfnjienvjinjerohvjvegrhbuoubuervovbuueruobvtriuoberfv why.

their outfits.

 I cannot do this.

I really have a problem with their outfits.



okay. And my second thing. I want to meet one direction and the is this contest the radio station here is doing. I will get to meet the band and have front row tickets to thier concert here if I have enough votes. One click per day on this link equals one vote. I would love to win so if you all would help me I will love you forever okay here's the link okay thanks bye


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i'll try to vote