Beat of an Angel ♥



do you see the way she popped, danced and move to the rhythm?

I actually didn't like her at first because she looks like she's kind of snob and boastful because she's known to be a very successful artist and she's under SMEnt!! I mean who wouldn't envy her right? :<

I watched this video yesterday on Arirang. I wanted to watch it because I want to criticize her because I really don't like her at first, but when I saw the way she dances, I was like -> O.O GAWD. She's really amazing!! I fell in love with her (not in a lesbian way) because I can see that she's really talented. Plus, you can  hear the way she sings this song. ITS SO AMAZING. I'm breathless after watching this. and she became my IDOL ♥

I take back everything I said before about her being boastful and all. She has every reason to brag about her talent since SHE'S REALLY COOL. I love her ♥


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BoA IS AWESOME. <3 She's actually a sweet, caring kind of girl. Heechul loves her, as a dongsaeng. :) AND I LOVE THIS SONG!
Yep,my dancing was inspired by her:)
She performed with Key... :""">