JYJ Address

Hey guys!

This has been bothering me for quite sometime now. Does anybody around here know where I can send gifts to JYJ?






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found that on here http://jyjbaby.tumblr.com/ ^^ hope this helps! if you do send it let me know if they get the gifts cause I wanna send them mines too! thanks! :D
Want to send gifts to JYJ? Here is the C-JeS address, translated! ^___^


서울시 강남구 논현동 235-10 그림바우빌딩 10층


C - JeS Entertainment

10 F Grimbow Building

235 - 10 Nonhyeon - dong

Gangnam - gu

Seoul, Korea
i can try to find an address. i found a site with a bunch of other agency addresses and i've already sent block b fanmail (which i hope they got) :3
if u mean fan gifts, it goes through the company in c-jes. i doubt they have it on their website but i usually let my aunt send it for me to jyj since she's here in kr with me but when i was back in the philippines i had my friend's classmates' aunt doing it for me
idk :(
I'm planning on sending a really really nice guitar for Kim Jaejoong! Hmm.. I'd like to make donations to international fan sites dedicated to JYJ but even if I did, I'm not sure whether they'd get an awesome guitar or something.
Same here! I Want to send gifts to them too!!
springbok7 #8
I'd suggest you can send them care of CJES (http://c-jes.com/w/homeen)
Not sure. Sorry. DDDD: