NeonRainbows application


Full Name : MiKyong Jadis Ahn

Nickname: Jade & Kyo

Stage Name : Aki

YOUR fanclub name; Bright Gem

YOUR offical fanclub colors; Jade Green

Personality: She is very shy and keeps to herself when you first meet her. Once she knows you more and is comfortable, her fun side will pop out. She get to know people easily and loves to make new friends. She loves her family and close friends dearly so dont mess with them. She's a very competitive girl and doesnt like to give up(thats what her borthers taught her). She can be a moody when things are bad on her but she'll feel better. She keeps her problems to herself but always help out with other's problem. She's smart and tends to hide that fact. She is a very curious prson so she'll ask lots of questions. She protective of others more than she is of herself. She's tough on the outside but weak on the inside and doesnt like showing it.

Birthday: May 22, 1992

Age: 19

Background: They came from a small town around Sacramento Area. later move to LA when she were 4. Lived there until she was 12 and then move to Korea for her mom to open up studio. Her Appa helps runs the studio with her umma.

Years trained: 5 years


-playing guitar piano and drums

-sport: b-ball soccer, tennis, & v-ball

- draws anime

-making bracelets

-making scarfs

-writing lyrics to match her moods

-beat box for fun


-composing music

-dancing, singing



-caramel apples


-volunteering at children hospital

-hanging out with friends

-working out


-raining days



-guitar and piano and drum set

-mystery books

-jogging at sunrise


-dogs andother animals




-sight of blood

-bullies, meanies, player, etc




-being lied to

- crying in front of people

-being ignore


-tapping feet(impatient)

-laughing(in secret)

-messing with hair(stress)

-cries when laughing too hard

-going on walks(angry)  






Position: ACE

Love Interest: SHINee Key

Rival: Kara's Nicole

bestfriends/friends: SHINee Minho & FT Island Honki & 2NE1 CL


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