My Daily Living: PERIODS




            I ing hate my period. Im sure ALL of you do too(atleast the females). Seriously, what did us females do to deserve such a horrid, horrid 'gift' given for a week of a new month? Is it because Eve had taken the fruit from the forbidden tree that we had to recieve this punishment? Is this our 'reward' from Mother Nature because we aren't pregnant? Ugh, whatever it is, I hate it. I want it to just leave. I want to go back to the days where I didn't have to worry about blood coming out of my vagine. Males should be grateful, no, the should cherish that they don't have to go through this sort of pain. I hate waking up in the middle of the night because of a sore pain in my leg or stomach and then waking up in the morning to find a huge patch of blood on my favorite . Ugh, how I dread the beginnings of a new month. Thank God I only get mine for one week straight, where as my friends get it one day, then it goes away, and it comes back.

             What I hate the most, are the CRAMPS. OH MY GOODNESS, THE CRAMPS. I cannot deal with them. My cramps are the worst, they are HORRIBLE. Like, I'll be in class, and then I'll start to feel this sort of tensing in my legs or stomach, and I cannot consentrate on anything. And then, one of my friends would decide it's the best time to talk to me, when its not. It's ing not the best time to talk to me. Also, the mood swings. I can easily point out when my mood changes, but I cannot get rid of that mood. Like, earlier, my sister decided it was the best time to scold me, when it was absolutely not. The females in my family dont get as intense mood swings (or any at all) as me, so im the only ing moody one and no one really understands. They think its me just being me, so they'll scold me without any understanding. They don't understand how hard it is to control my feelings when Im on my period. I hate periods, I just hate it. Im in the most terrible mood right now too, so I decided to blog about it. For example, I slammed the door of my parents because I was annoyed at my sister and I didn't want to deal with anyone and my dad thinks im angry at him so he's telling me not to mess with him. IM NOT MESSING WITH YOU, IM JUST NOT IN THE MOOD. My moods are crazy wierd. I can go from being a fiesty that wants to fight everyone, to an emotional girl that just wants a boyfriend, to a person that wants 'that kind of loving'. I feel really bad especially to Jerry who had just called me and I was being a complete nasty towards him. He'll catch on later that it was just me on my period. I also feel bad to my blog readers who are probably reading this and seeing my intense wording/cursing. What also about periods, is that your so ing insecure about the scent and everything. Like, I take showers everyday on a daily basis, but because of my period, I get so insecure if someone can smell it or sense it. I also hate that I cannot wear skinny jeans/leggings because of my pad showing. I also hate how everytime I piss, I have to do through the stuggle of changing my pad, I mean, it's good to have a clean fresh new pad...but, the struggle though. Ugh, Im literally just hiding myself in my dark room, listening to the most depressing songs, being nasty to everyone, and blogging about it. Because, Im on my period.

you periods. 


Don't periods ? What do you hate the most about it? Can you also relate? What about when your friends get them, do you notice any of their mood swings?



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