➶♒♛HEY! HEY! ℋALO!♛♒➶- Kwon Ara


[Kwon Ara]

KpopKeepsMeCrazy▕   Kwon Ara▕   Activeness: 9


Introducing Me

  Name: Kwon Ara  

  Nickname: Was actually given the nickname Toki which means rabbit in Korean from her teachers since it's a well known fact that Ara is obssessed with carrots! 

  Age: Is 15 and was born Febuary 14 

  Ethnicity: Just Korean 〉

  Birthplace: Was born in Busan Korea 

  Hometown: Was raised in Busan 〉

  Languages: Is fluent in Korean and is getting the hang of English, isn't the best at it just yet but she can at least sing the words fluently!! 


That's What Make's you Beautiful

 Ulzzang: Choi Eun Hee 

 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 

 Back up Ulzzang: Kim Seul Mi

     | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

〈Clothes style

 Home|| Likes to wear whatever... I mean nobodies looking, right?: || 1 | 2 

 Casual|| Likes to wear things that express herself in a cool manner: || 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

 Formal|| Never really sure what to wear but she'll always end up finding a dress or skirt. Just aslong as it's not to showy or flashy: || 1 | 2 

Airport Fashion|| Likes to wear comfortable but fashionable graphic tees and shorts:|| 1 

Dance Wear || Likes to wear baggy clothing that help with learning harder dances: || 1 | 2

Shoes || Likes hightops, especially if they're superhero themed || 1


 Extra: Ara has a scar between her thumb and index fingers from falling out of a tree when she was trying to retrieve a parachute man firework 


Little Things

 〈 Personality: Ara is a 15 year old school girl. She is a very self conscious person who's worried about being judged. Ara refuses to wear glasses because she is paranoid that people would call her a nerd(wears contacts). But Ara is actually infact a nerd... In secret she'll wait for everyone to fall asleep and with a bowl of carrots she'll go and play World of Warcraft until she falls asleep! At first meeting with a stranger Ara can be very awkward and will just ramble on and on about random things that don't make any sense. But once she opens up to a person she'll become more of herself and let loose. She loves eating and if you put her on a carrot farm she would probably eat that place clean in less than a day! It's almost immpossible to make Ara mad... You would have to kill somebody before getting an angry reaction out of her! She never cries either... Well, atleast not infront of people. Because of that people always see her as the happy smiling girl named Ara. And even though Ara doesn't get mad as easily as others it doesn't mean that she'll just sit back when she see's someone getting bullied infront of her own eyes. She really hates when people compliment her since she's not really use to it. Ara doesn't always understand what people are talking about but she'll laugh with them anyways so that she doesn't feel excluded. She loves to make jokes and even bought a joke book to become really funny! Many of her friends say that its a surprise she isn't in the world record book as 'Worlds Biggest Procrastinator!' yet because she puts off doing things like studying and such, so of course, she's been failing in math... Uh oh!   〉

 〈 Likes:

Ara likes carrots!(of course)






likes to cuddle,

and last but not least she likes LOVES music and superheroes! 〉


Ara dislikes every vegtable that isn't a carrot,


big dogs,



pancakes (because she thinks they're wanna be waffles)

and she really, really dislikes bullies! 〉

  Habits: When Ara is concentrating she'll rub her lips,

whenever she's bored she'll twirl her hair,

Ara will bang her head on stuff when she's frustrated,

and most of all Ara is ALWAYS smiling 〉

 〈 Fears: Ara's biggest fears include...

Scary movies,



being rejected,


and failing others expectations  〉


Ara's ideal type is a guy who can smile as often as she can.

Her favorite groups that she looks up to and admire include B.A.P and Nu'est!

If she doesn't get the chance of being a singer she said she would really like to be music teacher!

Ara always wanted to learn how to shoot a gun or be in a k-drama like Athena!

When Ara sleeps she'll grind her teeth and snore...

Ara isn't very picky about food and said that if it's edible, it's good!

Sometimes when it's really quiet Ara will imitate bird calls to confuse people.

Likes to be taken care of by the members!

Has two years of experience on playing the cello.


We Are Family!

 Family: Mom|| Kwon Minji|| 32|| Piano instructor|| Bossy, neat, snide, blunt|| 2.5|| Usually isn't there for Ara... but at times they have their moments.||

Brother|| Kwon Jihoo|| 17|| Student|| Flameboyant, bubbly, kind, outgoing|| 5|| Is always there to give Ara life lessons when she needs them. 〉

 Background: When Ara was really young her dad died(in the army) so she can't really remember what he looks like besides the pictures she has of him but in her heart she believes he was a good man. When she was 7 she would always watch superhero shows with her bestfriend Yuhan and they always would say that they would become superheroes too! Her mom thought it was cute so she let them believe that. She told them that Hawkeye, who was there favorite superhero, was so amazing because he had perfect eyesight. Ara believed every word her mother told her and so every meal she would eat carrots. She ate carrots so much that she became addicted to them and ate them inbetween meals too! A couple of months later though Yuhan had to move a three hours drive away... When Ara turned 10 she got her first pair of glasses and when she wore them to school she got laughed at because the frames were so thick! Ara, humiliated, broke them and went home telling her mom they had gotten broke in a game of dodgeball. Her mom, although furious, believed her and took her to the eye doctor where Ara begged until she got contacts. On Ara's 13th birthday when she was her smiling self her brother told her and their mother he was gay. And their mother who seemed to become angrier and angrier by the day would hear nothing of it! She was ashamed of her son and would always fight him or just outright ignore his exsistence. Whenever her mom and brother got in to a fight she would defend her brother... even if it meant defying her mother. At school, that was the only place she felt really happy. That was the only place where she could sing and rap freely!

 Relationships: Childhood friend|| Park Yuhan|| 18|| not an idol|| can be cold at times, smart, gentle, athletic|| 4.5|| Seems to be there for Ara whenever she may need him.||

Bestfriend|| Kim Mina|| 15|| Hyper, annoying, funny, loud!|| 5|| Is the sister Ara never had, went to school together. 


Into the New World


Can beatbox to any mario song,

you name it and she'll do some bird calls!

Ara can stuff 6-8 jumbo marshmellows in ,

whistle with crackers in ,

and is a pro at the air guitar! 〉



 Singing audition ||  Rapping Audition  <-- sorry for some bad language in the rap D':

〈Group Position: Lead Rapper/Sub Vocals or sub vocalist  

 Idol: Ara never really thought that her singing would ever really amount to something. Or that it could lead her down a new life path. All because her overly hyper friend Mina forced her into auditioning! But now that she's been accepted she is commited in putting her best foot forward and make her dad who is in heaven proud of the daughter he brought into this world! Make all the Halolics out there proud of her! But most of all to prove to herself that she can really make a change with her voice and passion! To show Ara who the real Kwon Ara is, she will try her best from here on out! 


❤ Give me Love 
 Love interest: Moon Jongup 〉

 Personality: Is very kind and awkward around strangers. Has a different way of thinking and seeing things. Likes to be helpful to those who need help. Adorkable off stage and passionate/determined on stage. 〉

〈 Relationship: Helps Ara whenever she seeks it from him and he's very brotherly. But as time goes on they start to get close and become 'good friends.'

 Back up love interest: Jung Daehyun 〉



 Comments: Hi! Thank you, thank you so much for reading my application! I'm not very good at this but I tried! I hope your first apply story is a great succsese and of course... I hope I get accepted!!! Sorry for any spelling errors... Oh and please tell me if I did anything wrong and I'll try to change it! Thanks again~ :P

 Request: I don't really have any specific request but an awkward moment between Ara and her love interest would be cool or going to an amusement park!

:) 〉


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