♢} charming girls ; Jung Ji Hye


welcome to ts high
I'm the Mood Maker , Jung Ji Hye

Hi,my name is...

Name: Jung Ji Hye
Birthdate: 04/24
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Hometown: New York City, New York
Blood Type:A
Ethnicity: Korean-American
Languages: English(fluent), Korean(fluent)



Ulzzang: Lee Hyo Jin
Pic: 01 02 03
Back-Up Ulzzang: Kim Yoo Jin
Pic: 01 02 03
Personnality: Jung Ji Hye can be shy and gets embaressed quick. She likes to make people laugh and when someone compliments her she blushes. When there is an awkard silence, shes the one who breaks the ice by saying something random. She isnt always cold to someone, but if she has to be, she will. You will never know when Ji Hye is upset or angry because she always has a smile.She is the person that gets jealous quick and always ends up showing it. If shes around someone she likes, she can be a flirt, but if the person doesnt flirt with her first, she wont be a flirt around them at all. Ji Hye hates being alone. She always likes to have company and has a fear of heights. Jung Ji Hye has a bubbly personality and isnt afraid to show it, when someone is upset, she is the first person to make them laugh and make them feel better.
*Dancing in the rain
*being unorganized
*listening to music
*saying random things
*playing with her fingers




Love interest: Kim Him Chan
Personnality:Kim Him Chan makes people laugh withought even trying and gets what he wants most of the time with his aegyo. He is a big flirt, and makes a girls heart skip a beat with just a smile.  
Interaction: cute, playful, flirty
His first impression when he saw you ?: He thought was cute and wanted to get to know her more, but she started to avoid him, so he started hanging around her more, until she finally opened up to him.
Your first impression when you saw him ?: Thought he was just another player and wanted to avoid him, but after a while, they opened up to each other more and got, really close.

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Comments ??: I hope you like my application, im new at

this. Its actually my first time doing this.Let me know if i have to fix anything. :)

Scene Request ??:fluff & Skinship (pleasee.)


Username: Xoxo424







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ohhhhhhh i like this!!!!!!!!!