♡ 엘렉트라 하트 ⋮ electra heart 〈 seo hyera 〉

엘렉트라 하트 ⋮ seo hyera

Electra Heart: SM Entertainment's newest girl group


〈 ❥ ⋮ User Info. 〉

Username  milkbaeri
Nickname  cassidy
Activity level  4.5


〈 ❥ ⋮ Character Basics 〉

Character name Seo Hyera ( 서혜라 )
    ▲ Hye called by anyone since it's just easier
    ▲ ara ⋮ a petname only baekhyun calls her
Age  21 years old
Birthday  November 12, 1992
Birthplace New York, New York, USA
Ethnicity full korean
     ▲ korean - fluent
     ▲ english - fluent


〈 ❥ ⋮ Appearance 〉

Ulzzang  Park Hye Min
Backup  Song Ah ri
Appearance ⋮       △  gallery

Height 50kg
Weight 166cm

Style Hyera is all about studded items. She sees a pair of pants or shorts with studs on them? It's already in her shopping cart; A headband with studs and spikes or a bracelet with the same features? She probably already has it in five different colours. The reason for Hyera liking these types of clothes, accesories, and shoes is because it makes her feel b a d a s s . she often pairs studded items with simpler and plainer items like ripped or torn jeans, a loose fitting top (ie. v-necks, t-shirts) and either a cardigan, denim shirt, or a (fake) leather jacket to put more emphasis on the studs and accesories. oh, and her choice if shoes ranges from sneakers to heels to boots--all studded of course. ( closet )

Extra Throughout her years of living, Hyera was not one to have the same hair colour for too long as she was blonde one month, brown the next, red another month and everything in between. She likes experimenting and trying new styles but she always comes back to her faithful style of long hair reaching to just below her chest and straight-across full bag which is how her hair currently is, except it's a red-hued dark brown shade. Considering how Hyera liks to be a badass, you'd think she'd have tattoos and piercings but sadly to say, she does not. For one thing, if she had a tattoo, her company would probably kill her but that's fine because she doesn't want one anyways, thinking that tattoos are ugly and gaudy and look really bad when you get older and wrinklier. as for having no piercings, Hyera doesn't like pain and just the image of a gun-like object being put up to her ear to make a hole in it didn't sit well with her at all.

〈 ❥ ⋮ Personality 〉


Seo Hyera may look like a doll (in fact, she was a well known trainee throughout SM because of her looks) but her personality is far from how "perfect" and "innocent" she's supposed to be. First of all, no one is perfect and Hyera realizes this herself so she doesn't understand why others can't get it through their thick heads that they shouldn't expect Hyera to be anything close to perfect, just because of the way she looks, then become surprised after they see how different she is.

The real Hyera is actually quite fiery and lively, which mostly comes from her ambitious and outspoken nature. When Hyera knows what she wants, she will go after it at all costs and means until she gets it. But it wouldn't be done the Hyera way unless there was a lot of loud remarks and swearing along the way because she likes speaking her mind, never bothering to filter what she says (and because she thinks it makes her look more determined). Hyera is also pretty brash in terms of making decisions or whenever she speaks and that tends to rub some people the wrong way, but it's not like she truly intended for her actions or words to be mean. It just happened because Hyera has yet to master the art of the "brain-to-filter-to-mouth" concept and as a result, Her trainers and management were worried about this flaw of Hyera. They could easily think of ten situations where she would probably say the wrong thing during an interview or broadcast and set off a tidal wave of scandals and news articles and that was one of the last things they wanted to happen but hey--Hyera's just being hyera!

in addition to her fiery persona, Hyera has a lot of energy, desire, and will and despite expending it frequently, she never seems to run out of it. She's like an energizer bunny where she just keeps going and going and going. While others are tired and resting for say, five minutes, Hyera will still continue practicing and only take small 1-2 minute breaks for a quick water run and make sure she isn't overworking herself. Hyera doesn't even bother wiping off her sweat because she knows she'll just create more of it within the next five minutes, so there's really no point. a lot of trainees sort of admired Hyera for her determination and her practice/work ethics but it was also sort of intimidating how hard she worked. It was slightly hard for others to approach her or attempt to become real, true friends with her because many were scared that their personalities would clash (or they were just downright intimidated by her) so Hyera was kind of a lone wolf, further contributing to her "glamarous" persona.

Outside the practice rooms, Hyera is still the loud and outspoken girl that the people who have talked to her or have seen her practice at least once have come to know her as but she's a bit more graceful, having a huge air of confidence around her. The way she walks, the way she talks, the way she eats, even the way she breathes looks good and like it was made for her and only her. Hyera takes pride in her image and even when she was a trainee, everyone could see the star power aura that radiated from her pores so It was really no surprise that Hyera debuted relatively quickly for the amount of time she trained. However, despite Hyera always being the talk around the company whether it be for her looks, her vocal talents, or her prescence, she was still the insecure girl that she had always been since her middle schooling years. In order to keep up her image and appearance, Hyera is always self-critcizing herself to pick out her flaws and either turn them into charm points or to simply improve. Hyera has always had an abundance of doubts, worries and fears but the reason her for to keep pushing on and getting over her insecurities was because of her dream. She's gotten better with her insecurity over the years but one, single harsh comment could totally ruin her day and quite possibly make her break down if it was especially cruel. 

Keywords ambitious, outspoken, brash, glamarous, insecure


〈 ❥ ⋮ Trivia 〉


studs and spikes
knit hats/knit anything
japanese pop music
carbonated beverages


 pain/anything that causes pain
lazy people and procrastinators
 formalities and honorifics
showing weakness/weak things
 waking up and sleeping early


〈 ❥ ⋮ Trivia cont. 〉

Hobbies & habits

 chewing on her bottom lip whenever she's worried or thinking deeply.
rolling her eyes at people (or actions) she deems stupid and immature.
 shaking or blowing her bangs out of her face.
 mouthing the lyrics to all the parts in a song (hey, it helps her get screentime!)
 pinches herself to stop from crying or breaking down.


 wears fake leather jackets because she doesn't want to wear something that came from a cute and precious animal she loves.
 the type of music she listens to is a wide variety from her favourite singer (diane birch) to her guilty pleasure group (akb48) to fierce divas (beyonce).
 often forgets to use honorifics or to be formal in interviews, meeting sunbaes, etc. which causes a problem of course (but she's working on it!).
 loves tweeting selcas from her iphone and chatting with fans online; likes to keep her fans informed and up-to-date.
 has mastered the art of scratching herself discreetly and in private because of how easily irritable and itchy her skin can get.

〈 ❥ ⋮ Background 〉


On November 12, 1992, Hyera was born in New York to her father, Seo Minhyun and mother, Seo Haneul. At the time Haneul had gotten pregnant, her and her husband had been living temporarily in the states for business. Minhyun was an ordinary businessman for a decently sized and relatively known company and due to him excelling in languages, was often sent around the world to conduct business on behalf of the company. Upon the news that they would soon have a baby, they thought it would be better for them to stay in New York until Hyera was born and decide from there what to do. Luckily for them, the CEO of the company Minhyun worked at was planning on opening a small branch in the big apple and asked Minhyun to help oversee the development of it so the Seo family ended up spending quite a few years there that Hyera was able to go to both elementary and middle school in the states which is why she is fluent in English in addition to knowing her mother tongue.

As a child, Hyera was born with wider eyes than the rest of the kids her age (and it didn't help that she was usually the only Asian kid in her classes), thus causing her to be singled out for it and becoming a target of moderate bullying. It was moderate because they only made comments like "are you even korean?", "your eyes are weird" and other mild comments that children make since they don't really know what being mean is yet. However, it was enough as Hyera was often outcasted because of the size of her eyes. Whether the kids meant to ignore her or not is another story that Hyera never figured out but needless to say, she was ready to move on and hopefully make new friends in her middle school. That was obviously a bust as not even two weeks into the start of a new school year, had she been singled out once again because not only were her eyes still wide (although they were not as big as they were when she was a kid due to her growing up) but Hyera had gotten significantly prettier as she aged,  and simply put, her classmates were jealous. Since the kids were older now, the comments got more intense and it wasn't uncommon for Hyera to hear things like "your parents probably don't even have eyes as wide as yours so you must be adopted" or "your eyes are so wide I bet your parents are ashamed to have a freak for a daughter like you."

As a pre-teen, Hyera was not only struggling with  school but now she had to worry about her identity and how she looked because she didn't want to be picked on. The comments affected her deeply which led her to always being insecure and unable to trust many people, thinking that they were all the same and only wanted to make fun of her. One day, she just couldn't take it anymore and came home crying so her parents were obviously worried and concerned for their only daughter. After taking hours to pry out information from Hyera about why she was crying, they finally found out that their daughter was constantly bullied since she first started school and they no idea for the longest time. They felt horrible, to say the least, and thought that maybe moving back to their home country where Hyera may be more accepted was the best solution for now so after Hyera had graduated from her current middle school, it was summer and the Seo's moved back to Korea. Once in korea, the Seo's reconnected with their family that had still lived there through a welcome home party that was thrown by her dad's brother and his family. At that party is where Hyera had met her cousin, Chanyeol and as the two were the only kids around that were relatively the same in age, they naturally stuck together throughout the entire time.

After that party, Hyera and Chanyeol continued talking and eventually got closer as they both had mutual interest in music (since she was a child, Hyera had always liked watching music videos and often immitated the ones she saw; it was only later in her middle school years that she started realizing her natural talent for singing) and would often get together to play with the instruments Chanyeol had, go to a concert, or just hanging out and getting food. During one of their food "Dates," Chanyeol had told Hyera that he was casted to SM through a contest he had participated in and that she should join him in the company by auditioning. Hyera was skeptical and denied the idea at first because Hyera was still insecure about herself and didn't want to draw attention to herself but Chanyeol somehow convinced her to just try it and if she didn't like it, then she didn't have to go through with it. Since Chanyeol was really the persistent type, Hyera gave in and showed up at the next SM auditions.


seo minhyun  46  father  intelligent, charismatic, responsible, exuberant  5
 seo haneul  44  mother  tranquil, affectionate, thoughtful, nurturing  5
park chanyeol  21  cousin from her dad's side  honest, encouraging, easily amused, calculating  4


⋮ Idol Life 〉

Stage name seohara
Stage persona The Glamorous Doll

Soundalike ladies code's lee so jung ( korean - one ) ( korean - two ) ( english )
Fanclub name GLAMbition
Fanclub color   #7B3856  
Theme song ( try again, smile again )


Stage personality Seohara is still every ounce of loud and lively that she is when she's just Hyera, but once she's on stage she becomes a vivacious firecracker that's full of spirit and energy even moreso than she already was. She has a big personality that matches her big voice along with her huge amibitions and dreams, so it's no wonder why her fanclub is called GLAMbition.

Trainee history

After Chanyeol's encouragement, Hyera had went to one of the weekly auditions SM held and auditioned as a singer. Hyera had always had a good voice (one that was fit for someone older than her age) even as a kid and thanks to the bullying, Hyera's skills had improved as the only thing that could cheer her up during the times she felt sad was singing and music. When she auditioned, she basically passed with flying colours and even after going through the other rounds, SM was eager to sign her with them. Hyera on the other hand was still a bit skeptical but she did enjoy singing a lot and somehow, she didn't mind the competition and how others looked at her because she was doing the one thing she was confident in, so after speaking to her parents and having them agree, Hyera became an official SM trainee.

Since Hyera had auditioned shortly after Chanyeol was casted, the two ended up being trainees together and since they were family, often stuck with each other and had each other's backs even though they sometimes had different schedules due to Chanyeol's training becoming more focused on rapping while Hyera's was more focused on singing. Chanyeol was the more popular trainee of the two but Hyera had also managed to make a name for herself thanks to her outstanding vocal skills that seemed to only be getting better. Although life as a trainee was definitely more cutthroat then regular school, Hyera was somehow able to tolerate and manage it well since not only had she grown into her looks (so her eyes did not stand out as much as they used to) but she was focusing a lot of her energy into practice, thus giving her less time to be be negative and getting down on herself. Thanks to her continous training, she was even able to use her insecurities as a means of improving herself which allowed her to show great results.

Even though Hyera had trained for five years (from 2008 up until her debut in 2013), all that time was not spent on singing alone but also on other aspects like dancing, rapping, languages, media etiquitte, and the likes since idols these days had to be all around entertainers. Hyera's speciality was of course singing but she proved to be a pretty decent dancer, learning new routines and moves quickly enough. Rapping on the other hand... let's just pretend that never happened. Eventually, her hard work had paid off as she was chosen to debut in SM's new girl group, electra heart and gave Hyera the oppurtunity to really make her dream a reality.

Idol friends ⋮ 

kim jongin  exo  loyal, hard-working, reserved, squishy  3.5  Jongin and Hyera met through Chanyeol as Hyera often hung out with him and a few times, Jongin had tagged along. The two started talking and they became mutual friends despite the different ages because Jongin acted pretty mature for his age (but Hyera found him really adorable and sort of treats him like a little brother).


〈 ❥ ⋮ Love Life 〉

Love interest Byun Baekhyun
Backup kim minseok

Personality The life of the party, Byun Baekhyun is the guy everyone gets along with. Even if you don't like him, you really can't find yourself completely hating him just because he's a lot of fun to be around and always keeps the energy and mood high with his jokes, antics, and naturally outgoing personality. He has no trouble talking to strangers, quickly turning them into new friends or acquaintances. He's a little bit sarcastic (he doesn't take anyone's okay), a little bit blunt (he calls it being honest), and a lot playful. He's a people pleaser and he knows the type of attitude he should have and the types things he should say depending on the time and place. That talent of him is partly from his natural perceptive characteristic, where he can pick up on other people's thoughts or general ideas by observing him, and partly from his work ethic. YEs, he may look like a carefree and laidback clown most of the time, but he is very hard working. Since he joined SM and EXO later than the rest, he had a lot to catch up on because he knew his singing could only get him so far and he didn't want to let anyone down, much less himself, so he did the only thing he could: practice, practice, and practice. Like Hyera, he knows he can sing well and he comes off as confident a lot but he's also had his fair share of insecure moments (I mean who hasn't?) since his biggest rival and harshest critic is himself.

How you met Much like how Hyera met Jongin, she also met Baekhyun through being friends with Chanyeol. Hyera would often hang out with Chanyeol and sometimes, a few of the other members (that were preparing to be in EXO) if they tagged along with him. One day, Baekhyun decided to hang out with Chanyeol since he was a newer trainee and  he bonded with him fairly well but it just so happened to be the same day Hyera was going to hang out with him. Normally, it might have been awkward but with the combination of Chanyeol and Baekhyun's personalities, they kept the conversations and fun times rolling.

Relationship After the first meeting, hyera had good first impressions of baekhyun and from that day on, they got to know each other a bit better either from hanging out with chanyeol, running into each other inside the building, or when hyera would wait for chanyeol to finish his practice so they could hang out and baekhyun decided to keep her company. Even with EXO debuting and Baekhyun's schedule becoming more jam packed as a result, the two still manage to remain good friends. In fact, they're such good friends that Whenever they cross paths, you can bet that they'll be throwing remarks and jokes back and forth that it appears as if they're almost flirting. The reason the two are like that is because both Baekhyun and Hyera are quite comfortable around each other (which isn't a surprised considering how Baekhyun even made up a nickname for Hyera which he calls whenever she sees or talks to her). The two say they're only good friends but everyone else would say otherwise since the two hang out with just each other more often than either of them hang out with Chanyeol. That says something considering how often they're seen together in addition to them always playing around and flirting. Baekhyun and Hyera can't seem to find the fine line between being just friends or acting as more yet none of them mind. They really enjoy each other's presence so it was kind of natural that the two would start falling for each other although it takes them /forever/ to figure it out because their whole "friendship" is built around flirting and joking around.


〈 ❥ ⋮ Miscellaneous 〉

Song suggestions I don't have anything right now but if I think of something, I'll be sure to edit it in here~ ^^

Scene suggestions

 Hyera goes to the practice rooms to find Chanyeol but ends up finding Baekhyun instead, who had just finished and the two decide to go hang out. Just when things are getting ~*~lovey dovey~*~, Chanyeol finds them and s them although it was unintentional.

 hyera and Baekhyun getting accused or questioned of being more than just friends and the two denying it (but the teasing continues anyways)

 a moment when Hyera has a breakdown of sorts or is just having a bad day where she's feeling extra insecure and Baekhyun finds her. when he does, he tries to cheer her up (but it fails) and instead they end up having this heart-to-heart talk of things like insecurities, pressure and stress from being an idol, reminisicing on trainee days or past memories, talking about the future, deep/serious stuff like that which cause the two to form a stronger bond *u*

Comments wow I am SO sorry that I wrote like fricken novels for this LOL. anyways, I hope you like what Seo Hyera! I hope you don't mind that I did some minor editing to the source code (ie. fixing margins and widths of the boxes) but if you do, I can quickly change them back to how they originally were! also, I hope it's okay that I used Chanyeol as a cousin /weeps. and i really didn't have many (good) scene ideas so feel free to not use any of them lol. BUT AHHHHHH, good luck with your story!!!! I'm so excited for it, I can't wait to see how it all goes down~


엘렉트라 하트 ⋮ electra heart



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