My teacher doesn't understand

So in my English class today my teacher asked he class to write down one person who inspired you and you look up to. My response went a little like this: "the one person who inspires me the most is not someone who is close to me, in fact I have sadly never met this person. This person and I have a few things in common and that's why I look up to this person. This person and I were both born in the states. We both love to sing and dance. Both of us are the wild one of the group. This person especially inspires me because they are daring and "fluorescent" (a word gd used to describe love) this person is a k-pop star, and my all time ultimate bias. Eli Kim from U-KISS" 


a bit long, I know. But my teacher read it and was surprised because mine was the longed and my teacher was surprised that he had never heard of Eli before....


even though I talk about him nonstop 24/7


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Ah, what us fan girls have to go through lol