What's Up

First, fixed my laptop but all the data are GONE ;__;

Second, my math teacher thought that I cheated. Lol rude.

Third, d-3 to music bank. WOOOOOO!



At first, I noticed that my laptop runs kinda slow these days. Thinking that it was normal and fine since i do have a lot of files in my laptop. But then it got to the point where it loads really really slow and it bothered me a lot. So I went to the service center and asked them to fix it. Got it back today and all my files and stuff are gone. All the textures, pics, and all. Sobs ;___;


I was walking to my class when suddenly my math teacher called me. It was an ungodly hour and I need more sleep. She asked if i cheated and I was like, lol water you saying i studied hard for that HOW DARE YOU. The reason she asked me that (i think) is because i usually get like 60 or 50 (i at math dont laugh). That means I got 80 or above right? LOLOLOL


KAKDKSLALDJNSBSBSJSKSJDHE D-3 TO MUSIC BANK. do you know how much i miss beast and infinite?  ;~~~; 

Fangirl luck please be with me. Amen.


That's a long post. Hahaha



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i'd kill myself if my lp would die on me and my files would be deleted
and lol, my teacher must've thought the same
i got like 40% or below for my last 3 exams and suddenly

well, i think he thought i cheated, he was looking at me like
KEEL TEH SERVICE CENTAAHH~ .___. They should have made backup for your files or something. *mourns the death of your files with you*