So Mad щ(ಥДಥщ)

I just need to rant a little on how STUPID it is that my bookmark tabs are so freaking close to the edit buttons on Pixlr!! I was so close to finsihing one of my requests just now, but nope! -_-

I ALWAYS end up doing this:

I have a poster started and I get really into working on it.

It's starting to look really good!

I'm almost finished!!

I realize I want to add a layer or something...

And I hit one of my bookmark links instead.

My poster is now lost.


And of course I got so into making the poster that I forgot to save my progress

All that time WASTED!!!

Now I don't even have time to restart because I have to go get ready for work



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I do that when I'm writing and I want to change tabs to RPR, and then A WHOLE CHAPTER is lost