✯ ₵L₳₴HIᴼ₦ ✯ Kim Taejoon



  little about you

Aff Username; angelsasha
Profile link; angelsasha


  this is me

Name; Kim Taejoon
Nickname; Joon, Baby-face
Age; 19
Hometown; Jeonju, North Jeolla
Date of birth; 5 February 1994
Nationality; Korean
Language; Korean - fluent; English, Mandarin Chinese - conversational

 Yea, I act like this


Personality; Taejoon is fun-loving and bubbly. He is a huge prankster as well, and is often the moodmaker. Many people describe him as a happy-go-lucky, but fact is he actually bottles a lot of things up, and only confides in people whom he really trusts. He has a glib tongue, and knows when and how exactly to cheer people up, or how to stop an argument from breaking out between other people. However, he can be quite insensitive at times, and occasionally swears and spouts vulgarities, especially when he's pissed off or frustrated. Taejoon is quite dirty-minded as well because of his high school friends, and often randomly bursts into laughter because of the things people say or the things he sees, with only a few people understanding his mentality. He can also be really sarcastic when he wants to. Taejoon is headstrong as well, and when he wants something, he would go all out to achieve it fair and square.

He isn't very particular about seniority, and doesn't mind if his juniors talk to hime comfortably or give him nicknames, but he believes that there is that certain amount of respect that one should give his or her seniors, and will get angry if his juniors take it too far. However, he respects his seniors a lot, and will only talk comfortably with them only when they give him permission to do so. Taejoon is a huge flirt, even though he doesn't realise he's flirting.

Taejoon has a strong sense of loyalty as well, and will definitely not tell others if you tell him a secret. However, he will uncomfortable if he is not very close to you yet you tell him or life story or confide in him. Despite his  impending celebrity status, he is humble and down-to-earth. He's sometimes egoistic, but it's usually meant as a joke or as a form or sarcasm, and he hardly means anything when he praises himself.

Background; Taejoon comes from a middle class family. His parents own an optical shop, and they're very amiable and welcoming. They can be strict at times, but they're very supportive of their children and what they want to do. However, since they're usually in the shop, Taejoon usually hangs around his siblings more. Even though they don't seem like it, they're very close and can trust one another.


  • cleaning
  • people who nag
  • dragonfruit
  • people who overestimates themselves
  • screeching sounds
  • shopping

Likes [6+]:

  • sports, especially soccer and basketball
  • eating
  • sleeping
  • music
  • sweets and chocolates
  • video games


  • trypophobia
  • demophobia
  • agoraphobia

Fun Facts/Trivia;

  • is 180cm tall
  • used to wear braces
  • myopic and wears contact lenses
  • owns a Labrador Retriever named Ricky
  • owns a Twitter account @KimTaeJoon
  • can play the guitar, drums and piano
  • is an extremely deep sleeper


 On stage

Stage Name; Taejoon
Position/Persona; The Dancing Machine / Lead Dancer
Fan Club Name;Rhytaemics (derived from 'rhythmics')

Fan Club Colour;               #6600ff
Fan Club Symbol; 


 my apperance
Ulzzang name; Lee Nam Soo
Ulzzang appearance [5+]; 1 2 3 4 5

Back-up Ulzzang name; Kim Myung Jae
Back-up Ulzzang appearance; 1 2 3 4 5

Casual Appearance: 1 2
Practice/ Training Appearance: 1 2

Formal Appearance: 1 2
Bedtime Appearance: 1 2



Parents; Kim Donghwan, Song Hyemin
Sibling/s; Kim Taeyeon, Kim Haeyeon
Friends; Lee Taemin, Tiffany Hwang, Kwon Yuri, Jung Yunho, Choi Minho, Kris Wu
Bestfriends; Kim Kibum Key, Amber Liu



 More info

Trainee years; 3.5
How is your trainee life?; Having Taeyeon as his sister, his trainee life was slightly easier than others. Their trainers favoured him and always gave him priority, but Taejoon always remained humble and never showed off or looked down on his fellow trainees. Sometimes, he even tells his trainers not to give him special treatment or would try to include his friends in their priority list.
Pre-debut info;

  • was a back-up dancer in MVs and concerts
  • child actor


 love interest


Love interest; Choi Jinri Sulli | 19 | f(x)
Personality of Love Interest; Sulli is soft-spoken, but knows when and how to have fun. However, when you get to know her, you'd realise that she actually really loud and can get crazy sometimes. She cares a lot about her labelmates as a friend or sunbae/hoobae, and always supports them.
Back-Up Love interest; Krystal Jung Soojung | 19 | f(x)
Personality of Back-up love interest; Quick-witted, outgoing and fun, Krystal may seem unfriendly and unapproachable from far, but is actually really nice when you get to know her.
Favourite kind of Date | Ideal Date; night shopping at food streets
Ideal Girlfriend; someone playful but is able to be mature when she has to, not whiny or spoilt
Love Rival; -

Status of Relationship; Have met but are not close


 Anything else?

Comment/Sugesstion; i think you meant 'ideal girlfriend' and not 'ideal boyfriend' haha
Anything else you wan me to know more about your character? i hope it's fine that i didn't follow Taeyeon's background/family exactly... oh and i though 5 fears were too much so i just gave 3. let me know if you really want 5~
Scene/Plot request; none atm





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