〈 ✍⋮you and i ⇢ the goddess 〉— B a e D a e u n

you and i
fate brought us together

             lunaticmoon ┊ 345780 ┊ luna ┊ 6/10         


oh my beautiful lady
full name » Bae Daeun [The syllables are separated at Da Eun].
nicknames » Most friends just call her Daeun; people likes to refer her as 'The Goddess' in their gossips; 
birthdate and age » 20 years old. 13-10-93.
ethnicity » Full Korean.
birthplace » Seoul, South Korea.
hometown » Seoul, South Korea.
languages » Korean;fluent | English;fluent | Chinese;beginner.
holding in my breath
uhljjang » Kim Seulmi.
photos » 1 - 2 - Gallery 1 - Gallery 2 - Gallery 3
second choice » Park Hwan Hui/Hana.
photos » Gallery.
height and weight » 164cm. 46kg.
` appearance » hair;black, most of the time dyed in dark brown and kept at elbow length | eyes;light brown | appears neat all the time and has a naturally 'goddess' glow about her. She puts on light make up everyday (foundation, eyeliner, lipgloss). She likes to appear feminine and dress up because it boosts up her confidence.
fashion » Feminine and somewhat modest (dresses, loose skirt, cardigans); link - link - link - link. Sometimes chic; link - link.
extras » Watches, bracelets and bangles (beads, charm bracelets, metal and plastic bangles, owns a big collection of these). Wears contacts when she goes out but switch to reading glasses at home.
you're my style, yeah
personality »
A beauty with brain. Bae Daeun is level-headed and wise. Studious. She was raised to be delicate and graceful in her speech and act, so she rarely have clumsy moments. She is also confident with her appearance and in expressing her thoughts, in a civil way, of course. She enjoys getting to know people. She is comfortable making friends with just about anyone because she believes everyone is unique and special in their own way. She is passionate about social and environmental issues. She gets upset when she sees people being hostile to women, children, and animals. She is passionate in fighting for the causes she believes in. Even though she grows up with all the people around her constantly praising her good looks, she stays humble and down to earth because of her family's upbringing. 
background »
Born as the eldest child of two siblings. Raised in an upper middle class family and has been living in Seoul all her life. They live in a warm neighborhood in a two-storeyed house with a small garden and an old pet dog, Wonbin (of the labrador retriever breed, she named him after her ideal guy, the actor Wonbin). Has a loving and supportive family, though she constantly bickers with her stubborn younger brother. She always end up as the first one to give in to him. When they are not fighting, they act like friends. Her family has a strong habit of reading, which also helps her being fluent in English. 
likes »
» Children.
» Reading; both fiction and non-fiction.
» Collecting bracelets and bangles.
» Face masks.
» Concerts.
» Ice green tea.
» Cooking.
» Pasta (she is a pig for any kinds of pasta).
» Fashion.
» Overall healthcare.
dislikeS »
» Uncivilized and rude people (example: people who don't give away their seat to a pregnant woman in public transport).
» Dirty kitchen.
» When people borrows her stuffs without asking (her younger brother used to steal her skincare products all the time).
» Flirting and wolf-whistles.
» Being gossiped/paired-up/scandalized with other guys.
» Show-offs.
» The color green, especially on clothes.
habits »
» Spacing out (because her brain is constantly looking for things to write about).
» Carry around pepper spray.
» Biting her lower lip when she is nervous or shy.
» Clasping her hands together on her lap whenever she sits down.
» Sleeps with her feet sticking out the blanket.
fears »
» Rat.
» ual harasser/ maniac.
» Being left alone at home or walking alone at night (because of her past experience).
trivia »
» Does part-time job; mainly online article writing and modeling from time to time.
» Actively involved in charity causes.
» Mostly buys organic products and actively recycles garbage.
» From time to time enjoys concerts of her favorite musicians.
» She is also registered as an organ donor and carries the card with her all the time.
» On contrary to people's beliefs, she likes to dress comfortably at home; bun heads, loose oversized t-shirt and ducky patterned pajama pants. Add face mask on top of all those. Just about everything that is the opposite of the definition of a goddess.
major » Journalism; she aspires to be a journalist who writes about social and environmental issues.
with a warm heart
family » 
Bae Kisoong | 48 | Museum Conservator; specializing in buildings conservation | alive | charming, sweet talker, clever | father
Han Yoonjoo | 45 | Linguistic Lecturer; mainly teaches English | alive | elegant, kind, warm | mother
Bae Sangjun | 19 | Student; majoring in graphic design | alive | mischievous, crass, flirty | younger brother
others » none that are important enough to be listed here
best friend » the rebel and the wallflower.
friends » 
Yongguk | 23 | Underground musician | kind, passionate in charity causes, manly
Gyuri | 25 | Fashion magazine editor | witty, independent, strong-willed
rival » none
come into my heart.com
love interest » Kai.
second choice » Kris.
how did you meet »
She was doing an interview at Hongdae (the area famous for its entertainment & nightlife) for her part-time article writing job. She was pestered and harrassed by a few guys. He came to the rescue by claiming her as his girlfriend in front of the guys and warned them. She was thankful to him though not exactly fond being claimed as his girlfriend. 
how do you act around each other »
They are civil around each other though they do try to be nicer and get to know each other better by getting involved in each other's interests. She tries to keep everything strictly business; no flirting, no fooling around. However, he likes to given the opportunities to make things feel less awkward around them. His teasings irk her at first but she grows to love it soon enough and shows it with her positive feedback. They both grow closer through time and find themselves heavily concerned of each other. 
id password 'your love'
the goddess »
why weren't you fond of the idea of having guys as your roommates?
» I had a traumatic experience of being stalked during final year in high school. I was almost kidnapped by the stalker but my younger brother saved me just in time. Ever since then, I'm secretly a little insecure around the opposite . Also, too many guys are too eager to interact with me because of my looks instead of my values. Most of the times, I can hardly tell who is being earnest and who is not.
what made you fall for your roommate?
» Watching him being earnest and passionate in his interest. The way he treats everyone with the same respect regardless of gender or age. I like how he appreciates my passion and intelligence. He is quick to sense when I'm feeling down and goes out of his way to make me feel better. I eventually finds out that he is genuinely concerned of my well-being.
If you want me to be specific, here's the story: I was paired up with a guy for my assignment. He tried to make a move on me but I politely turned him down, knowing that he already has a girlfriend. Gossips spread like wildfire that I'm dating him, so her girlfriend confronted me. I made it clear to her that I have no interest in her boyfriend without trying to make him sound bad. Afterwards, I ignored her even though she kept harrassing me. Meanwhile, I'm working hard day and night setting up a cancer awareness booth for upcoming campus festival (whatever festival that could be) to raise funds for children with cancer. Kai helped out a lot too even though he wasn't officially involved. On the morning of the festival (before it started), the jealous girlfirend came with her cliques and broke things, destroying my booth. Kai happened to pass by so he stopped her. After she left, I couldn't hold back my feelings and cried so hard on the spot. He hugged me and soothed me with kind words. We almost kissed at the time, but realized that it wasn't the time for that. He quickly helped to fix whatever he could on my booth before the festival started. My feelings for him grew so strong from that day. I realized that I was in love with him from that point on. 
oh oh i'm up and high
talk that » I'm only online once a week and that is during weekdays (except on rare occasion) but I have no problem leaving replies on each chapter. The story of me falling in love with my love interest can be changed as you wish, since you're the author and I don't want to interrupt what you have planned beforehand. Hopefully I get accepted /crossing my fingers.
requests » none.
password » ( fated ) ; ( meeting )



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