50 Shades of Grey vs Fanfics

Does it make sense that I straight up HATE with a passion that book and think it's a slap in the face to literature but I enjoy JongKey (with an obvi love bases) and occasionally enjoy NC-17 fics?

I somewhat feel like a douchey hypocrite but like... idk? Am I? XD


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Shhh 50 shades was a Twílíght fanfic, she just chanced the name of the charators. But yea I hate it. I mean I could do it better and I write gay ! XD
So my friend(not reallyXD) in class had that book. She brought that book to class and read excerpts from it to me and my other friends. i felt so grossed out by it yet I only like reading ty Jongkey fics... *sigh*
I have actually not read that series yet, so idk.
I am hypocritical about everything. ._. It's okay, I think. We all have our double standards.