Short Rant and Life

I know this is my first blog post and all, but I needed to use something to get my frustrations out.


I know that everyone makes mistakes sometimes, heck, I make a LOT of mistakes when it comes to spelling and grammar, but if you are going to write a story, could you actually make it at least followable? Like, dialogue between people seperated? For example:

"Blah blah blah." I say.

"Blah." He retorts.

"Blah blah!" I exclaim in frustration.

NOT this:

"Blah blah blah." I say. "Blah." "Blah blah!"


And could you please TRY to spell words correctly, or use the correct form of words? Please? Like the words they're, their, and there. Jeez. And don't completely butcher spelling please. >__<


The plots are almost always good and pull me in, even if I find the writing itself atrocious. >__< So naturally I continue reading even though I am absolutely appalled with the grammar, spelling, and syntax. Ugh. And it's so agrivating to see a good story be ruined by horrible writing...


Well, aside from that small rant, my life has been really hasty lately. My birthday was Friday, and my Papaw's was Saturday. We went out all Saturday and Sunday as a "celebration"(even though all we did was go out to eat on Saturday, and go shopping on Sunday). And then today was very stressful at school because teachers were doing last minute preparations for us to take the ACT tomorrow... Like I wasn't already stressed about it enough..



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bianka1 #1
completly agree with you! I make a lot of mistakes to, but I think things I write are readable, but in some stories it is just so iritating :( and hope you did well on thatACT thing, sounds important :)
Omg I totally agree.
Even if they have good plots and characters... some people simply CANNOT write.
But this website harbors them anyway.
I rant about this too ;

What grade are you in to be taking the ACT's?
Is this like a nation wide thing now? I know the kids are in my state are taking the ACT tomorrow xD
*hugs* it'll be ok <3 Promise <3