I Can Totally Relate To This Awkward Moment like Uee!

So I was scrolling through Allkpop, then they had this article called "[Staff Picks] Best Acting Idols" (http://www.allkpop.com/2013/03/staff-picks-best-acting-idols) So I was looking at Uee's video of her acting and its about her tieing a friends or her crushes tie. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ezk8AA414Q0#!)

So what I mean by "I can relate to this awkward Moment," Like I experienced the same thing a couple weeks ago.
So a couple weeks ago in my school, we had Solo Ensemble (a lot of people who are in a performing arts program in their school should know)
My friend, He was perfroming but didn't know how to tie a tie. So he asked everyone and I told him I could do it. So when he came up to me to tie it, it was super awkward.

And I didn't really know him that well but he did say "Can you help me? We are friends now so I'm ok with you putting it on for me."
[Side Note: Honestly I think he was Cute but I didnt like him that way.]
Since I failed at tieing the tie on him, 'cause I learned how to tie a tie on myslef I ended up tieing it on myslef then I put it on him.

So while I was putting the tie on him, I had to be really close to him to make sure it was on right and I had to fix it, so for me it was really awkward. 
But I ended up putting it on right and It really made me happy because that was the first time I tied a tie for another guy after my cousin taught how.

So the point of me making this post, is that when I saw the video of Uee (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ezk8AA414Q0#!) I could totaly relate to it! :)



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