Oh my god, there's a blog?!?!

Geez. I'm gone for a few months and the site goes through major updates. Sorry for my absence to all of you who are subscribed to my stories. I know I said that I would update around June, but then there were college visits and chores. Yeah... I'm gonna try and do some massive updating before the beginning of August when I plan on starting college applications. Oh the life of a high school senior. Well, just so you know. I'm not dead yet :)


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oh emyliie! lol. high school senior was the best year for me! (cries) i miss my old friends..and classmates. lol. college is cool, fun, and a big hit tat woke me up to reality. :P yes..u did miss out on the wonderful blog tat nichi made . ..lol. but here u are again!! :D YAY!!! :D :D :D