I'm just...

I'm just upset at myself for still loving you so much. I hate myself so much for saying that I don't love you anymore just because you said you didn't. I should have cleared it up then. I shouldn't had had my hopes too high. I shouldn't have expected you to feel the same as me, I shouldn't have thought that you might still love me, like you did. I shouldn't have been so naive. I should have gotten over you and not let you affect my life, but you did. I love you so much and you're never gonna love me again. I feel so horrible when I know that you have confessed to two other girls just two months after we both separated ways. It feels as if I worth nothing in your heart. I know we're still young and I shouldn't let this affect me. I know that I shouldn't even be so bothered by this but I am. 


tbh I don't think anyone would read this rant but asdfghjkl if you read my story, please understand that I'm not really updating because I really need to get over this before writing again because all I can write about is this tbh, so sorry...


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