My Top 3 Pet Peeves

At first I wrote this blog to vent my feelings out, but I lost it {The stuff i wrote got erased T^T} :( But today I'm going to do my best to re-type what I had because I think others should really be aware. I hope this inspires or enlightens you. 



1. People who try too hard- Now, I am a teenager, and I'm pretty sure you're aware that many teens try too hard to be "cool" or "popular". Some may go to the extremes of getting surgery or maybe detention; I don't really know. I see girls all around me wear a pile of makeup on their face everyday to school, or guys trying to show their muscles (if they have any xD). Why is everyone so orthodox? What is wrong with being original?

But what I think really ticks me, is the reason why people try too hard. Reasons like "I want to be more popular" or "because I don't want people to call me mean and ugly", and there's more. No wonder why many people have self-esteem problems, it's because of the pressure to "fit in". (And you can't only try hard to be popular or cool, you can try hard in anything. For example, trying too hard to be nice because you don't want to be thought of as mean to other people.) Not only are you making a fool of yourself, it's really selfish too. 

2. Being unappreciative- The teen years are pretty difficult, with all of the hormones and peer pressure. I hear lots of people being upset over dumb reasons. Like being upset because, oh I don't know, this person's parents scolded him/her. Or maybe because this girl's crush doesn't like her back, [I don't know, sorry xD I can't think of anything]. If I learned something from my life, it would be that it goes on, and on, and on, and on (when me and you party together~♫ *coughs* sorry, I just want to Scream and Shout xD I'm so corny :P). I think we get too caught up with things sometimes, and that we need to take a break and smell the roses *sniff sniff*. You should take a moment and list all the things you are thankful for, I promise you-- you will be happier because you will be more appreciative for things. Nothing lasts forever so you should cherish it and appreciate it while it's still there.

Many of us take our parents for granted, sure they yell at you and tell you to do chores and favors, but you wouldn't be here without them. I don't think many people realize this but, your mother could have aborted you.{{And I would not of thought of this until my lovely, lovely, awesome bestie, best friend told me this. I love you!!!!!! ;D}} And your mother risked her life to give birth to you, yes she risked her life for you; because there's a 50/50 chance that she will still be alive, it is possible for a woman to die after childbirth.

Finally, there are numerous amounts of beings who are more unfortunate than you. Look around you, do you think everyone in the world can get access to a computer or internet? Do you think everyone has an iPhone or an Instragram account? Do you think everyone has a mother and father? The answer is no; these things may be irrelevant to you but to others, it isn't.

 And you know what, if one of those unfortunate beings lived in your shoes, they would probably be very very happy, so why can't you? 

3. People who are quick to judge others- I'm really guilty for this, but I have judged people before. It's only human nature, it's like how we are attracted to beautiful things, we can't help it. But there's a limit to judging, if you judge someone, you shouldn't stick to your inquisition like glue because it may be wrong. And you shouldn't really judge someone by the way they look or speak because the truth is, not everybody has a stable home, good morals, or simply enough money to improve themselves. Not everybody is lucky enough to have straight teeth like you do, or nice clothes like you do. Now, I love my mom very dearly, but sometimes she does the wrong thing and it doesn't really have a good effect on me. Like when she jumps to conclusions or makes judgments about others, sometimes they are very wrong. Maybe it's just me, but I am not a fan of people who are shallow and try to make others fit into their standards. The grass isn't always greener on the other side, it's green where you water it.

And with this in mind, I hope you learned something (XDD LOL I sound like a teacher) 

Live life to the fullest with no regrets! 

Bye! :) ~ live_laugh_love

P.S. This is really unimportant, but for Lent one of the things I'm doing is appreciating everything, even myself :D 



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I agree with this! :D
I completely agree with you~ :3
I completely agree. it's so good that you pointed this stuff out, especially during Lent, the time when we all need to improve~! ^^ thank you for reminding me of these things for they are extremely important. thank you so much for the inspiration. ^^ *hugs*
it just proves how wonderful of a person you are, also, to write this.
TRUE. You never know what you have until you lose them. :)
Yeah, this is true. :)

/huggles <33
i agree very much! c:

/sorry for creeping in, i was browsing the latest blogs OTL