IMPORTANT about me. :) (LUHAN XD)




This is my first blog post here and it'll be about me going on 








I meant my stories. 

Operation: The Love Switch

Sweet Summer Love

She Lived Again.



Yah, that's that. I'm still visting AFF XD because I have requests to pick up and maybe this will give me time so I could find a trailer maker for "She Lived Again." Do you know any shops? Please tell me. *u*



Don't worry maybe March 20 or 21 I'll be back :)) It's just that I have tests, post tests and stuff >:)< It's time for me to suffer and be supeeeer smart! 

When I'm free again XD I'll be updating each and one of them do not worry XD maybe double updates If I'm not scheduled to go anywhere. And also I want to tell you that this summer I'm making 2 other stories Bae Suzy / Lee IU & Myung U fics! great right? XD 

I really want to update because there is stuff in my head but... I need to busy myself >.< and FOCUS. 



Btw, I want to update so BAD because of my subscribers ^^ Especially She Lived Again since it receives subscrivers wanting me to update SOON. I haven't started any chaps there and I will leave it hanging for a while but do not worry I assure you nice and good reading when I update. I'll try my best LoL! You could share them if you want XD 



That's all! Friend, Subscribe, Post on my wall... do not worry I'll TRY to reply :)) okiiiie?







^^ HAHA!



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Seeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! You already have Luhan!!! Gimme Sehun Oppa~~~ (-*u*-)
^ yahhh. Everybody loves Luhan x IU
Hyaaa, so sorry i hvnt design that cover :( My compie just error but ill try design it today, :D
You need a trailer? I'm a trailer maker at two shops, Unregretful Memories &
The Enchantress. I recommend these shops to you because 1) They provide great trailers &
2) I'm a trailer maker at these shops :P
Also OMMMIGOOSSH Luhan is the most beautiful thing in the world *sob*