My thoughts~

I've recently seen someone who did something similar. I thought of doing this but I forgot and what the person did reminded me. I don't know why I am doing this. Part of the reason must be, that I'm curious about what you guys thought of Exo as well..


What I thought of Exo.
I first knew about them when my YouTube account thing those daily reccomendations? Yeah, Exo's teasers came up on there. The first one I watched was Kai dancing, the first teaser? Yeah, that didn't really catch me, I didn't like the type of song it was. It just didn't get me hooked. 

Afterwards, I just ignored them, I mean, I thought, the dance, the music. It doesn't go with me. 


And then, I saw a blog post by one of my friends, celebrating Baek's birthday and I see strips of bacon and I''m just like... what? There were more of those and after a while, I just ignored blogs about Exo. 


Like I said before, I noticed the trend of Exo, and how quickly they were rising and I thought, right. They must have more in them than I originally thought, so I search Exo, and MAMA comes up. I think... lol, wut? But I watched and the introduction? I was like. NO. Just no. What was this? I close the tab and continue with who-knows-what obessions I had back then.


After that, my Exo life was quiet. And then someone reccomends an Exo story. I force myself to read it and I'm like, hey, the guys are pretty hot. So I venture and search MAMA once more. This time I wait past the introduction and I'm like no. 




Just, I thought, the concept they are trying to get is mixed in a way. I fast forward and fall off my seat. I see tatooed Kai screaming at me. I thought my adventures with Exo was over for the day. 


And so it was left until I watched Exo's History, after I see a picture of Kris. Thank god it was better than MAMA because I would have given up on Exo, and screaming Kai.

I read more stories about them, and I found that for one to be another groups fan, you had to read lots of fanfiction to love them. Whether they're trying to kill someone or not.


And so, that is the story of my life.


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