Guy I Like Series

I don't know what to title these, but I shall call them Guy I Like Series, since they are about the guy I like and people can tell then. ^^ Hehe, a lot of you guys actually want me to keep you updated on this, so I shall post all of my happinesses here~!

So~ Today, we were supposed to do a disection in science, but the teacher cancelled it until tomorrow (Can't wait for tomorrow, by the way :3)

Anyway, we got to work on worksheets and I noticed that the guy I like and Guy B (as I call him, he's his friend) were talking to the teacher and doing some makeup assignment, so they didn't come over.

I guess the guy I like (I'll just call him... him? I don't want to keep writing the guy I like...I'll probably still call him that though...) So, he finished his thing and I noticed him just looking around towards our table (our= me and three of my friends) I always thought that he would only come over if Guy B was there, since Guy B is somewhat our friend.

But he just came over and pulled up a chair next to me! And like seriously, this is so stupid, but I noticed that rather than going straight in one path to us, he went around, meaning that he would end up next to me. (Hehe, that probably doesn't mean much, but whatever~) So, yeah, we talked and all, joking around until the bell rang way too fast... It had only been like 10 minutes...

Then our school has this period only on Wednesdays that are like 1 hour study time/sit around. Me, the guy I like, and Guy B are actually all in the same Wednesday class, but we've never talked in there and I highly doubted that he even noticed that we were in the same class the past few months (before we even knew each other at all).


So, we did share a few glances and I DID for sure see him stare at me one or two times during the hour. Anyway, the bell was about to ring, and I didn't hear the conversation on that side of the room, but I have no idea what was happening, he took his jacket off and was just wearing a tank top. I don't even know what that means... Just for the record, he had muscles XD


The bell rang and we didn't make any eye contact when I left first. I was walking to the classroom next over and suddenly, my ankle is getting crushed by his foot.

I was like, what?! Immediately kicked him back while he walked away with a smile.

O_O That means that he noticed that we were in the same class for sure! >.< I wonder if kicking each other is our thing now haha.


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sarangjinyounghalbae #1
you're lucky, author-ssi!!!
it's like he likes you or something~~~

remember the guy i like, he just sees me as his friend,
well, because he's clingy to all of his friends...

anyway, your story, it was like, I'm reading a fanfic xDDD
continue on updating this!!~~~

anyway, you two are really cute! :DDDD
LOL omg that is cute dude
like when the kicking incident was happening
LOL i think its cute
I likie this story so much^^
I hope you to get together in the end.
and tell me tomorrow what happens i can't wait to hear.
Ahhh omg how cute. I would be freaking out at the fact that the guy I liked noticed me.

That is so cute dude: the liking thing. You should definitely make it your inside joke. Inside jokes are the best :D I guess you guys could converse normally now :)

Have fun tomorrow~ ;)