I was in advisory just now (sort of like a break in the day at school) and I saw someone visiting my advisory was watching B.A.P.'s Oneshot on their laptop...ok so I've never met anyone who likes kpop in my life, so I started freaking out inside because I was so excited that I had finally met a kpop fan. I asked her "Is that B.A.P.?" hopefully so we would become friends so we could talk about kpop, but she didn't hear me. She left my advisory to go back to hers soon after. I feel so happy that there's another kpop fan in my school (I live in America so kpop isn't very popular over here), but I'm really sad that I couldn't get her attention so that we could acknowledge that we both like kpop. Because as a kpop fan, she would understand that I was lonely because here in America (at least where I am in America) it seems like no one really likes kpop...my friends tolerate my fangirling, but I need someone who understands kpop. She's an upperclassman so I feel really shy asking her about it. What do you guys think I should do?? It would be really weird if I approached her because she's an upperclassman and might think I'm weird for all of a sudden coming up to her and going "so you were in my advisory the other day and I saw you watching B.A.P.'s Oneshot, and so now I want to be friends with you because I also like kpop." Like seriously, that would be so weird!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh what should I do guys?? I need your advice!! Eotteoke~!!!!!


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