My First Artwork :)

Hey! xD


Okay since I really up at words and so on, so lets just go to the main post instead ><

Being the reader of (mostly on) GRI (G-Dragon/Seungri) fanfics, it really inspired me to make edits of my fave stories, but I warned you, its my VERY first time to make edit like this really x_x so I think its not as best as the others out there. I'm sorry~ *bows deep* I just want to share this with you :D


So my first artwork dedicated to JEJUCHAN's STORY : I LOVE TO HATE YOU. This story is far from finish yet, but I have to tell you that this story is really, REALLY good, makes you drowning and you cant even realised you just beg for more. You think I say this only to praising my friend? NO. Instead, just go read her stories and you will understand what I mean. Remember, its GRI story, boyxboy pairing, rated M.


Here's my gifs+edits. Tell me what you think so I could improve my self even more :3 Thank you so much! <3







No, Jiyong stopped himself.

He was certain of one thing now —

He could never be the only one for Seungri.

original post :



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I like the last one. Good job
omg, I felt so shy reading this ><
aish, I love you, missy <3<3
xxkakaoxx #3
I love those gifs ;-; from the first second i saw them <3 the only thing i don't like is the font you've used on the third one. but everything else..... <3 <3 <3 <3 <3<3