El Clasico - And what's up with Football vs. American Football

So, El Clasico was on today.
And Real Madrid won.
I'm really happy for these guys! 
But at the same time I'm kinda sad for Barcelona since I'm their fan too.

I don't know, both clubs have my greatest respect and I can't decide for one club to support only. I kinda need both, the enemies as they are to achieve best at their own time. Barcelona had their spotlight for a while, they shone, now it's time for Real to have their time of glory. 

And then there is Messi and Calleti and Pique and many other aaay guys ... gosh they are all so hot.
Sometimes I think I'm watching football only because of the hottness that's overloading while they are running up and down the field.
Shoot me if I'm wrong but I think most of the girls watching football are actually watching it because of the looks of the players...

I wish Neymar was in one of these clubs... he's y. ahaahhahaha.
Remember him?  LOOK AT THAT BABY <3





Now, the other topic I wanna talk about.

Wanna know what bothers me the most?

Why do American people call their football - football.
I mean they play it with hands... shouldn't it be called handball instead?

And they call the real football (MY football... lol) - soccer.

'Soccer' or Football in Europe is actually played by foot so I don't know why is called like that.

I've grown up playing football as a kid. 
Football is played with this ball in Europe.
We kick the ball with our foot -  so it's called football.

While in America...

Players carry around this ball... in their hands.. and quaterback usually throw it around...
And they still call it Football.
I don't... I don't get it.
I mean I like this sport very much, maybe not as much as hockey though (HOCKEY FTW<3333)
But still, this is so confusing.



Sorry, I had to make this post. Real won 3:0 today. Barca lost, but that's okay. They'll win the next time.








Yeah, I might not play these sports, but hell i love to watch... and god, have I mentioned how hot guys look in those baseball uniforms... they look almost as hot as hockey players with their gear on.... or SWAT officers in theirs.... God, I love bad boys.

I'm gonna stop now.


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beardedclams #1
i hate sports.
But your point is true. LOL. I never got that.