I'm Pissed Off Right Now

Okay, so today I had math homework. So my mom told me to check in with her when I'm done with a step. I thought it was stupid  So I mutiply correctly and she said "You're hand writing is sloppy, write neater. Make it very neat like a computer font," I got pissed off, gull/boii, I really did  Then I kinda yelled this out in one breath and almost broke down in tears "Do you expect me to be perfect?! Look at me, I stay up late at night just to get straight A+'s to make you freaking happy!!! and you say to make it perfect?!?! HOW?! I'm born with this! You could see the erase marks!!! You told me to erase it if I made a mistake! So I did that! Cause you said scribbling it out is messy! Well erasing is also messy!!! LOOK AT YOU! Think before you judge your own daughter!" After I yelled that, I stomped up into my room, and now I'm here typing all of this. WHY DOES EVERYONE EXPECT ME TO BE PERFECT? WE'RE ALL HUMANS! My mom doesn't want me to make mistakes. Well when she was looking over my homework she came across the easy  problem 12 x 7. I said it was 84. She said it was wrong. Then she looked it over and said "Oh wait it's not, it's correct," and next she said "Make your 4's more neater, they look like 9's," I HAD ENOUGH OF MY MOM! She's all about perfect, perfect, perfect, and next she said something that almost made me blow my top off. "If your cousin, Nina looked at is, she'll be done in 1 minute," WHAT THE HELL. SHE'S ONLY A 4TH GRADER! HOW IS SHE GONNA KNOW ABOUT MULTIPLYING RECIPROCAL FRACTIONS! IT'S TOO HARD FOR 4TH GRADERS! DANG  

- RainbowMarshmellow 


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