

Hello. XC



It really really makes me mad, this website sometimes! Stuff that is literally will just get so much praise! While other stuff, that people honestly work hard on will just get passed by! 

A few friends on here work their asses off and try to make things actually look presentable, and then don't even get recognized! But someone one popular and 'bubbly' makes and suddenly they created the best! 


I'm so tired of the stories I write not even getting notice! It's getting better but come on! (Except for the two best cheerleaders ever <3)

It pisses me off, people writing and not even caring what the hell they're saying! Not proof reading, not following rules, creating just dumb

=Rant off=


Excuse for the language up there... But it had to be said for me.

On to better news, I filed my taxes and I'm getting back 754 dollars :p



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I agree completely to what you have ranted about.
I've seen TOO MANY stories that are crappy and get SO MUCH LOVE.

-.- and then the ones that are actually good and speak english get laid off. Like WTF?!

SPEAK E-N-G-L-I-S-H. if you know that your grammar is bad, FREAKING FIX IT OR GET AN EDITOR. the storyline is usually bad along with it, so why do they even BOTHER?!
Sorry.. created my own little rant theree xD
High five xD lol. And two cheerleaders? Hmmmm wonder who they are xD