About that Guy I Like~

Haha, since some of you guys are asking me to post about the guy I like, I happily will! ^^

So~ Today, we had free time in class and this guy was reading a book quietly. (he really likes reading) Anyway, I kept staring that way, wondering if he was going to read for the entire class!

I sort of awkwardly walked around him, starting to talk to another person nearby (I'll call him guy B).

I didn't want to bother the guy I liked from the book he was reading... He seemed very into it.

So, my friend came over and told me to come back to our table, since she was bored (Great timing, friend...).

Anyway, eventually guy B came to sit with us (mainly to play around with me haha) and then finally, after much time, the person I liked came too! :D I was super happy! ^^ He said he really liked the book he was reading haha. Happy I didn't interrupt him~ ALSO, if only guy B didn't pull his chair up next to me... The one I wanted could have sat there! Haha, kidding, kidding~

So, we talked and the key happiness moments for me were when he suddenly just complimented my work (which was definitely not worth praising- and he only said it to me! haha. He's been saying things like that to only me the past few days... That makes me wonder and get my hopes up too much) Also just a lot of eye contact in general with me, and those smiles~

It was funny because he seems to really like theatre and was saying that he swears to one day reinact a play. My friend said that she woudln't go jokingly, but somewhat rudely. I said I would go and he was all happy with me haha. He didn't say anything though, it's one of those things where the person doesn't say anything, but their look says that they are happy.

My day was so happy because of this! ^__^ I don't really share my feelings with the people close to me even, so just typing this here makes me happy. One of my friends even asked me about this guy today (I've only told her about him) and I only mentioned like one of the above statements.

I don't know... I feel like people never really want to listen to my things... I know that's funny since I'm writing all this up here and some of you even say that you want to listen, but...whatever.


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sarangjinyounghalbae #1
well me too, unnie
i have a lot of secrets that even my friends don't know..
well, i believe that if they ever know about those, they'll just tease me and soon people will know my secrets...

haha. anyway, fighting!
Just tell us.. I'll read.. *I read everything..*
Awwww! Cool!