Keeper and the Imaginary Talk Show


Today is my first birthday here in AFF and to celebrate this day,

I shall pretend that I’m being interviewed by an imaginary talk show host as a fanfic writer.


(I know I'm crazy to even think of this possibility.)



*The following questions were taken from loveloveshell's and yuu014's blogs ^-^ I just modified them a bit.



H: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Tonight, we have a special guest from the fanfic world to share with us her life as a fanfic writer. Let's all welcome, the Keeper! 

Keeper: Good evening. Thank you for having me here. I'm dream_keeper88 or simply, Keeper. 


H: Thank you for having time to squeeze this interview in your busy schedule. So, shall we start?

Keeper: Sure.


 H: Why did you start writing? 

Keeper: I was bored and badly needed to do something different.


H: (laughs) I see something good happens when you are bored. So, who or rather what inspired you to write?

Keeper: Not really an inspiration… more of a trigger. I was dying of boredom exactly a year ago when I decided to search Super Junior in Google. I haven’t been updated lately because of my work as a researcher and a student. Browsing page after page after page, I stumbled upon this story.* It was then that I realized that fanfiction exists. Wanting to read more, I typed “fanfiction” the Google search bar and tada! Here I am in AFF! Seeing all these fanfics in AFF, I was challenged to write my own too, thinking that if they can do it, I can too.


H: Omo, yes... yes. (nods) Keeper is such an optimist. If they can do it, I can too. Where do your fanfic ideas come from?

Keeper: Environmental stimuli. I walk home from school. And it is in the afternoon that crazy ideas pop in my head ^-^ 


H: Oh, how about people... other writers? If you read other Fanfiction writers, who are they? 

Keeper: I don’t look at the author ^^ I just read whatever piques my interest. My favorite as of now, is the author of my recent favorite fic, The Scent of Jasmine. 


H: Neh, neh. So, as a writer, why do you write the group(s) you write about?

Keeper: I am an ELF and writing Super Junior fics is my way of showing my support as a fan. Words are powerful – they can build and destroy. And by writing it down, it is sort of making it permanent. My stories are my wishes for the artists in it and for everyone who reads it. 


H: Neh, I have read some of your works. Since writing is your hobby, do you do it with other people? Have any writer friends?

Keeper: YUP! ^-^ A lot ^-^ They are mostly those who comment in my blogs ^-^ and visit me on my wall ^-^ 

They are online friends, since no one in the outside world know that I write ^^" Even my sister who is a creative writer has no idea that I am here.


H: I see. So, which member do you dislike and like writing the most?

Keeper: Like? Donghae. Dislike? Kibum. I can’t get inside the head of my bias XD


H: How about writing? What do you love and hate about writing? 

Keeper: Oh, I love how I could be the master of my character’s fates, lol XD Writing is my freedom. No one tells me what to do and I don’t have to please anyone. It is also my stress relief ^-^

I hate… how I crave for it in the middle of a class. And when I lose the ideas… it’s hard to retrieve it back.

H: How many subscribers do you have? 

Keeper: 459 ^^


H: To finally wrap up this interview, I have one last question. If someone asked you advice about writing, what would you say? 

Keeper: Don't be afraid to express your individuality. Tell us your story ^-^


H: Very well said, Keeper. Thank you for this wonderful time. I hope everyone learned something from this interview. Till next time.




*the page seems to be not existing anymore; Anyway, it is SarangLove's "Call My Name in the Midst of the Storm," a Donghae fic in LiveJournal.





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lol, this was interesting :D I want to try it later too :D ahaha~ IL credit you then x)
KimPossible21 #2
Lol u made my day
As much as embarrassing it is. I also do this when I'm alone
jungminian0403 #4
It was fun. congratulations by the way.
Keeper bows in front of the huge audience, grinning as she descended the stage. On her way,a man in a tailored black suit slowly approach her handing a bouquet of fresh white lilies.
"congratulations dream_keeper88." he said as he gave her his sweetest smile.
Keeper stood there unable to speak as their eyes lock at each other, her heart beating frantically at the sight of his handsome beau.
"I'm so proud of you."
She shyly smiled and nodded. "Thank you Kibummie.."

**LOLOLOLOLOLOL**** That was fun!!!
cool...xDDD ahahahahah!!
anyways!! congrats on your first year here..keke =)
I will get ur therapist.
Great interview, Keep-o <3
That was great, keeper!