confession 61;



how should i even start this?
this might be unnecessary to read; but,
well, who cares? /chuckles bitterly.
well, first, i has a feeling on this guy, and
he took care amazingly well of me; that is
one of the reason i can say i fell for him.
as times passed, here, another person appears;
and i befriend her and we got closer; we're like
sibling. she start telling me her secrets; including
how she has a crush on him in pm. i wasn't able to
do anything. it's bitter and it's hurt. but, i don't
want to make her upset and let's our friendship
broke just becuase of one guy. i encouraged her;
tell her to fight for him and that she look good
together with him. i may look fine on the outside,
but, deep down; i'm hurt, as if thousand pieces of
my heart are missing. i couldn't do anything. i tried
to convince myself there will be many more guys
whom i deserve more than him, but i can't after
all he has done for me. and, i don't want my friendship
with both of them end in shattering way. i don't know
right now. my mind kept repeating the same time;
if he loves her back and they actually date, i'll
be happy for them and congratulate them. this is
actually tougher than i thought it would be. this is
getting longer, but, well...
i don't want to get offended by these things, i know
i should just forget about it and being my old self
again but it seems like it's going to take alot of time
to do so.


- thedepressedanonymous
[hint: i'm a person who likes black and grey]



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/throws hearts; killed
um but. that sounds pretty bad.
but despite your friend also
liking that guy, you shouldn't give up
so easily you know. and don't get depressed
you might never know if that guy likes
you or not. c: