
So I just figured out what this blog thing was.  Even though I've been a writer on AFF for months now, I was oblivious to this feature.  Anyway, I am taking this opportunity to write an introduction.  Just a small ramble on who I am and ect.  I'm a fan of Shinhwa, obviously.  I'm a new fan though.  I became a Shinhwa Changjo last year after their comeback.  They caught my interest with their impressive performance of Venus despite their...*ahem*...age.  I decided to look them up.  Now before I was a Changjo, I was a hardcore ELF, and I still am.  Both groups are slightly mischevious and I seem to like that feature.  Anyway, I looked them up on youtube and began watching video after video of their antics.  Neadless to say, I fell hard for them.


Now, I've been into K-pop for a number of years by now.  I've seen many groups, picked my biases and cheered whenever they came on the TV.  But I had NEVER been interested in fanfics.  Of course as a K-pop enthusiast I had heard about fanfics.  But I was never curious about them, in fact I was slightly disgusted by them if I dare say.  But for some reason, after discovering Shinhwa and picking Hyesung as my bias at first glance, I learned about their personalities and interactions with each other.  I found myself drawn to Eric and Hyesung's relationship.  Drawn would be putting it lightly, I became obsessed with their interactions.  The whole water and oil concept was so new to me.  And I found that I was not alone, many fans of Shinhwa were on the Ricsung ship with me!  Well the rest is pretty much history.  I began devouring everything that had to do with Ricsung, even fanfics.  It took me a while, but I eventually even ventured into the fics.  I asked myself, Is what I'm doing wrong?  But I was in too deep to stop.  And then, I wrote my first fic, Burden.  It's obviously an innocent fic, the Ricsung interactions are kept to the extent of what we fans can see on TV.  Then I made Come Back.  And in that one, Eric and Hyesung are depicted as lover's in a relationship.


In all honesty, I have no regrets other than the fact that I didn't discover Shinhwa earlier.  I will continue reading and making Ricsung fics, M rated or not.  I do however, realize that my fics are different than reality.  Whatever happens in Eric and Hyesung's personal life is their business, but I will not go as far as to assume that they are in a relationship because that's how I wrote it.  I deeply respect Eric, Hyesung, and the rest of Shinhwa for the kind of work that they do.  I'll always be a fan of these 6 amazing men and their music.  Shinhwa San!


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I'm the same as you; at first when I started reading fanfiction I was also asking myself "is this ok?" but it is fiction. So no harm truly done I guess.^^ I fully agree too: whatever happens in Eric and Hyesung's life is their business, and I do believe that the oil and water-thing is just something they're playing at for their fans, but nothing more. (and damn it works well hahahah!)