Block B 30 Day Challenge - Day 15

I'm half way done with the Block B Challenge~ Whoo!! So far I've had fun writing about my love for them and whatnot

Here's the question o' the day:

Day 15: An OTP you don’t like

Honestly, I love all of the guys together. There's not a pair that I don't think has a cute brotherly closeness...

Saying that, I would like to say that I as much as I love U-Bomb, I'm getting a bit tired of them. Funny that I don't think that way about Zikyung, but they are like besties! I love them together. They're like brothers. With U-Bomb, it's just a problem I have because I just don't see what everyone else sees between them. Sure they're both cute and they're both amazing dancers and looked damn y dancing together...and this is really not helping my case XD

Gahhh I just love everyone. Block B is just the best OTP, without one of those 7, I don't see Block B. It was like when I saw this picture...something was off.

...and then I noticed, there is a random guy where there should be a smiling U-Kwon!


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lol word to the random guy~ and i can see what you mean. i love all otps though :3 ♥