
Hello -_-;


Ugh. I ran into something, again, on this site that drives me c.r.a.z.y. I was looking at a promising story, I liked the title, the little summery they gave in the list. 


Then they finished telling the ENTIRE storyline. 

Seriously?! It's a summery! Not a tell me everything so it ruins it all you stupiddddd -rants-

Srry. It really makes me mad! Specially when there's so little good on this site. That's why most of my summaries are like two sentences. It's meant to attract intrigue!

On to other news, a nap is in order when I get home...I wrote some more on story, didn't touch videos, 8am work tomorrow! 


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LOL ikr!
why tell the storyline if you're going to tell the story later anyway...
I also dislike long character lists that tell me every single little thing about the characters and their relationships.
I'm not dumb, thank you. If they told the story right, I would be able to INFERENCE the relationships!