Application for Woolim Girl Group: PURITIES


username: Youngbaesaranghae

Profile link:


Birth name: Park yeo-shin-ah


Stage Name: yeo-shin-ah (means goddess in korean)

Birthday: June 30, 1991

Age: 22

Birthplace: Fukuoka, Japan

Height: 5ft, 4in

Weight: 121 pounds

Ethnicity: japanese and korean

Language: japanese, korean, english


Family Background:  
Mom: 41 years old, considerate and loves to serve for her family, loves her family very much
Dad: 43 years old, funny and jokes around with his daughters most of the time, but when its time to act professional he is serious and always on task, worls at a law firm
Sister: Park Akari, 26 years old, very caring to her younger sister, married, and loves to read.
About The Character:
Personality: A dork and creates the mood. She loves to eat yet she stays so thin. She also is in love with dancing, She's been dancing since she could walk. She loves to mess with her members but when it's time to work she is serious and always gets it done.
Favorite Color: turqoise
Likes: dancing, singing, romantice gestures, scary (movies, amusement parks, etc.) music, food, to have fun, her fans, family, sports
guys that a full of themselves, people upset, people fooling around when they are supposed to be practcing, rehearsing, etc, when she screws up (even the tiniest thing) 


covers her face when she laughs

eats whenever she is bored


basketball, football, dancing, singing, baking desserts




Discovered when 2ne1 and big bang secretly recorded her singing and dancing with their friend, sended the video to the company and got a call and told her. She was touched that her friends did that for her and accepted the offer

She trained for 3 1/2 years. 

Positions: Main vocalist, main dancer, leader

Singing audition:

dancing auditon


Love Interest: Lee Seung Yeol
How did you meet: When she entered the company she bumped into him and ever since then they have both fallen for each other but are oblvious of the each other's feelings. Everyone knows that they like each other so they try to make them become a couple
Best Friend: Bom Park, Dong Youngbae
Friend: rest of 2ne1 members, rest of big bang members, and hyoyeon & jessica
Rival: hyuna
Why: Because hyuna thinks she is the best dancer, they used to go to school together and hyuna always tries to beat her at EVERYTHING
Your fanclub name: shinas
Your fanclub color: baby green
Password: GD


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